Wally x Shy Male Reader🔓

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Requested By- Random_fandoms0

Wally wants you to get to know his friends since your a new face! What's a better way than going behind you back and scheduling a surprise dinner party with a bunch of people you don't know?

"You what!?" You yelled at Wally as he cowered behind the couch and as Home's floorboards creaked. "It's just a dinner party! I don't want you to be locked up in your house all the time like you're some hermit!" He yelled back peeking up from behind the couch then ducking back down as soon as you launched a throw pillow at his head. "You're the only one I talk to, Wally! The only one I can talk to!" You exclaimed then with a sigh sat down. Wally slowly emerged and came around to sit by you, flinching as you glared at him but moved over nonetheless.

It's been around 3-4 weeks since you moved in, you've holed yourself up into your house and only go out when you absolutely need to. You're deathly afraid of new people and moving into a neighborhood with a good handful of them made you feel like your stomach was doing flips. Ever since Wally(literally) barged into your life, knocking on your door a few nights after you settled in and giving you a gift basket full of apples and roses he's been the only one you could talk to since he knew what to say back and how to lead a conversation. You confided in him and told him about how utterly nervous you were to introduce yourself to everyone even though you knew it was going to have to happen, but it seems Wally was more than willing to help. "Help" being setting up a dinner party to happen tonight with everyone in the neighborhood invited to Wally's Home. Great.

"I obviously will help you talk with everyone but trust me, they're all very accepting and I'm sure they'll love you just as much as I do." He said cupping your cheek and making you look him in the eye. These past few weeks you've found Wally to be very touchy, whether it's a back hug, him laying on top of you with his head on your chest, or a simple head on shoulder type contact he loves physical touch. You wonder if he's like this with everyone... friends repeatedly kiss their other friends on the cheek right? Whatever. You have other things to worry about. Something that made you even more nervous was the huge stack of flash cards Wally was pulling out of his pocket after he let go of your face. "These are conversation topics, you talked about how you're comfortable with how well I lead our conversations I thought this would help when your talking with my friends Y/n.." He said sheepishly pulling card by card out and placing them in your hand. You stared at the big stack and went through all of them, they were all covered in both sparkly smiley face stickers and scratch and sniff ones, doodles were drawn all over them. As frustrated as you were about having to be crammed into a table with a handful of new people you couldn't stay mad at the blue haired man that was looking at you with hope gleaming in eyes. You sighed, looking back with a small smile, "Thanks Wally, but if I'm really gonna do this then you'd better be by my side the entire time... promise?" You asked sticking out your pinky. "I'll be with you till the end, Y/n." He answered intertwining you pinkies then kissing the tip of his thumb, you doing the same, and then connecting them. You giggled and sighed. "Okay, I'm ready."

You and Wally set the table, he lit a few candles and set out the plates while you did the cups and utensils. "Are you... nervous?" He asked, peeking up at you. "Of course I'm nervous Wally... But at least I have you here with me." You said sighing. "I'll be sure to sit by you, if that provides any comfort." He reassured as you nodded. "I just don't talk to people much, and when I do I have no idea what to say and I feel much better being alone." You muttered. He looked up at you with concern in his eyes. "Would you rather be alone while you're with me..?" He asked. "No! Of course not, Wally. Being with you makes me want to come out of my shell, if everyone is like you then I wouldn't mind opening up!" You said, smiling at him. "Good boy Y/n, you're so brave... I know that everyone will absolutely adore you, like me." He smirked as he walked to your side and took your hands in his, this is another thing about Wally. Whenever you muster up the courage to socialize you observe them, you've noticed he's touchy, loves apples, the color blue, and admiring himself. There's one other thing, he loves pet names.

The first time he called you darling you just stared at him, you're face completely red and mouth a little open. He tilted his head to one side with an innocent smile, but his eyes told a different story, they looked at you with a hungry and mischievous look. Ever since that he started to turn up the heat, it's like he would just call you those names to get a rise out of you(it obviously worked). Babydoll, pretty boy, sweet thing, darling, my love, doll, and many more were some of his pet names for you. "Uhm, Y/n?" He said waving a hand in front of your face. "A-ah! Sorry Wally, I zoned out for a bit, heh." You sheepishly said. "Were you admiring me? Hmmm?" He cooed as he wrapped his arms around your waist, you put your arms over his shoulders as he pressed himself against you, laughing a little. "You're such a goof." You chuckled as he leaned in... wait what. He got closer and closer as the scent of his cologne got stronger, filling your nose. "Wally... what- are you doing..!" You squeaked. Just as he was about to kiss you...

Knock knock

He turned toward the door, a blank stare on his face as you whipped your head towards it. "Hello.. Hello...!" You heard from outside the door, a ladies voice muffled behind it. You squeezed him despite the fact he was about to lock lips with you, he groaned as he got off you leaving you a tad bit disappointed. You were mentally preparing yourself and he went over to the door. 'Okay, the index cards are in my back pocket, just remember to breathe.. breathe." You thought as you exhaled, Wally paused before opening it. He tipped his head towards the door and you walked over, ready to greet the guests. He put an arm around you waist to comfort you and gave you a kiss on the cheek, "We'll leave it at that for now." He whispered as you flushed. He opened the door and you saw quite a few people standing there. All the neighbors had small gift baskets and gift bags, and they all looked very kind. Wally's arm, still around you, squeezed and you gave a shy smile.

"H-hello everyone.. I'm Y/n L/n, it's very nice to meet you!" You said. 'Here we go...'

Thanks for reading!

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