Jealous Yandere Wally x Female Reader🩸

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Requested By- Nyxakaisimpforwally

Wally, in a fit of jealousy, does something that shakes you to the very core.

Tears fell from your eyes as you tried to get away from him, him being the one who murdered one of his best friends in cold blood, him being the one yanking you back by the wrist, him being the one pleading for you to stay. Him being Wally Darling.

"M- my love! Don't run from me please, you know I can't bear it when you hurt me like this!" He said gripping your wrist, squeezing like his life depended on it. You tried not to turn around, one because you didn't want to confront Wally when he was acting like this, worried he would turn and hurt you as well and two because you didn't want to see Howdy's lifeless corpse, his body being swallowed up by Home's floorboards. "Wally, stay away from me! You just killed a man! He was your friend!" You said, angry tears poured out of your eyes. "It doesn't matter if he was my friend or not, the way he looked at you... he wanted to have you! I did you a favor, after all. You love me." He said, a feral smile creeping onto his face. "Not anymore Wally, I couldn't possibly love you after what you've done.." You said in a cold tone, you felt the grip loosen and you turned around.

Wally's smile fell and his form shook, this is the first time you've seen him like this. You could tell he was enraged at what you had just said his usual cheery self gone. But then again, this isn't your Wally, this- this thing is a monster...

You slapped his hand away and made a run for it, as you barged through Home's creaking door hinges you could hear him yelling for you, "You know I'll find you sooner or later, Y/n, and when I do... YOU'LL LOVE ME." Your heart dropped, not wanting to get any of the other neighbors involved in this mess, you darted and ran straight to Howdy's. When you got in there you headed straight for the storage closet, you secretly cursed Howdy for have everything in his store except for weapons, the most you found was- a fork. You sighed as you stared at the tiny thing, it was a kids fork with a plastic handle- huh, Elmo was on it. 'Never mind the fork! You're trying to save your own life here Y/n! Get a grip girl!' You stopped dwelling on the miserable excuse for a fork and made your way into the storage closet. Pulling a stool along with you to stick under the handle of the door. Then.. you waited, waited, waited, and waited. You had heard nothing, but not trusting any of your psychotic ex's mind games you stayed in the closet, trying your hardest not to cry because you knew crying would only exhaust and starve you.

You eventually fell asleep, but everything little sound woke you up. You didn't trust anything. You could knew it was night time because once you woke up from your slumber you had noticed the fiery red of the sunset going down, deeper and deeper into the sky. You had regained your energy, which was a good thing, but you were starving. You clutched the Elmo fork as you got up, you pressed your body to the door listening. You planned to quickly leave the closet and grab some food, then rush back in like you had never been out there. As you were about to push open the door you heard it, the bell on Howdy's entrance chimed and someone entered the store. "I know your in here.. I've looked everywhere for you.. and I mean everywhere.." Wally said, his voice ringing throughout the shop. You let out a whimper but quickly put your hand over your mouth. You knew if you gave yourself away that thing would keep you, forever.

"It's just us two, Y/n. Everyone's gone... I made sure they wouldn't interrupt our time together.~" He said with a teasing tone as your heart sank. 'There's no way he... no! Eddie, Julie, Frank, Poppy, Barnaby, and Sally..? He couldn't have..' You began to tremble. No words could describe how you felt in that moment, you wanted to scream and cry, yell out every emotion and feeling you had in you.

Knock knock

Wally knocked on the door and tried the doorknob a few times as well. You knew the fact the closet was locked gave you away. "Come out, please my love... They were bothersome and you knew it.. All you need is me." He said pleading with you, you could see the silhouette of his shows under the gap of the door and you knew he wasn't moving anytime soon. You gasped and more tears fell, you hid your face in your sleeve, not wanting this sick bastard to hear any of the grief he's caused you.

Then... he started to get impatient. "Open the door won't you, Y/n? I won't hurt you doll, I could never do such a thing..." His fist pounded against the door once, then twice and he sighed. "Don't make this harder on yourself, if you just come out now I'll give you the love and attention you deserve."

"Do.. you promise?" You said, unsure. You could hear him chuckle from behind the door, "I don't make promises love, I make guarantees." He said as you opened the door. He smiled as he saw you, weak and teary eyed, you just needed all the love and affection you could get hm? You needed him. "Wally.. *sniff* I- I was so scared!" You said as you broke down, you ran over to him and hugged him. To him this moment was perfect, after getting rid of everyone else he had time to freshen up, he cleaned himself up and looked so charming, who knew someone so heavenly looking could be capable of something so horrible.

You loosened the hug, you hand slipping out from under his back... and unsheathed the Elmo fork. You raised it up and as you prepared to pierce him, he laughed.

"Smart girl... did you really think I would fall for that?" He smiled against your neck as he spun around, ripping your weapon out of your hand as you shrieked. You pulled his hair while he was turned around and attempted to take him down, but Wally was quick. He had you pinned to the ground as fast as you could blink, his done up hair now messy and fallen in front of his face. You mustered up the harshest glare you could and aimed it at him but he just looked at you as if you were a Goddess, it was like he had hearts in his eyes and his smile was demented. It shook you to the very core.

"Let me love you Y/n... I want to worship you."

Thanks for reading! I know I was supposed to make this scary but the Elmo fork has me dead, like Howdy.

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