09.the gift

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Fall 1805

Daphne and I sat at the head of the table, our family surrounding us for our thirteenth birthday lunch. My parents and Lady Bridgerton had our favorite foods made and brought to the Bridgerton home to celebrate. We stuffed ourselves with ham, puddings, breads, and cheeses. By the time we were done we were lazed across the couches in the drawing room with aching bellies.

"Magnolia at least sit like a lady," Josephine huffed.

I merely rolled my eyes at her statement, earning a laugh from Daphne. Eloise and Francesca busied themselves by playing marbles with Evangeline and Edward's newest set. The older of our siblings sat on the couches on the opposite side of the room talking amongst themselves, their attention now drawn to Daphne and I.

"Magnolia," Josephine repeated sternly.

"Why must you be so," I hesitated trying to think of a word but was unable, simply settling on, "You."

Josephine's face went tight before she stormed out of the room with a stomp. The rest of the room was split by whispers and giggles as Daphne got up and grabbed my wrist. She dragged me to my feet before telling me we should go outside before Josephine got my parents. Elliot and Colin insisted on joining us so the four of us strolled through the garden lazily.

"You must stop antagonizing Jo," Elliot said to me as we all found a shady tree to sit under.

"I will happily stop when she does," I laughed, earning a pinch from Daphne.

"She surely means well, Magnolia," Colin said turning towards me.

I rolled my eyes and rested my head on Daphne's shoulder, allowing myself to drift into a comfortable sleep. When I woke the sun was beginning to fade, I looked around to find my head on Colin's shoulder. I jumped up and began looking around to see it was just he and I in the garden now.

"They just went inside," Colin laughed at my panic, "We didn't want to wake you."

I nodded before turning to make my way back to the house. I could hear Colin scramble to his feet before calling out for me.

"Magnolia! Wait!"

"What?" I groaned as I turned to look at him.

"I just," He hesitated running a hand through his hair, "I got you something for your birthday."

My lip found its way between my teeth as I began to feel guilty for being snippy towards Colin. He reached his hand in his pocket and handed me a small paper wrapped box. I carefully removed the paper and opened the box to to find an expensive looking bracelet set carefully inside. There was a gold chain connecting pearls to a beautiful blue gem in the middle. My mouth fell open as I tried to find words to express I could not accept this as a gift.

"Is something wrong? Do you not like it?" Colin asked anxiously as he took a step forward.

"No," I took a step back, "Colin I can not accept this, it is far too much."

"No, really it's fine. Please I absolutely insist," Colin smiled before taking the bracelet and clasping it around my wrist.

I stared at it a moment, once again at a loss of words as I saw the sun reflect in the stone. We stood there a moment in silence before the voice of my mother calling for us rang through the evening air. I looked at Colin again, giving him a small smile before breaking out in a sprint towards the house. My mother chastised me for running and leaving 'poor Colin' alone but I could not get over the embarrassment I felt.

As we said goodbye to the Bridgertons and headed to our home for dinner all I could do is pray no one took notice of Colin's gift. Once in the house I quickly excused myself to my room where I pulled a chair to my wardrobe. Standing on the plush fabric I reached for an old dress box on the top shelf. I pulled the box down and with a sigh fell into the chair before opening it. Carefully I removed the bracelet and placed in between the folds of the old dress before closing the box to hide it away.

I'd never live it down if someone saw me wearing it.

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