08.daphne's wedding

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Colin came to visit me every afternoon since he asked to court me. When I found time to ask about Lord Rhodes injuries he was hesitant to admit his guilt. He went on to tell me he was enraged at the thought of what had happened that night, and felt it was his fault. The only thing that he could think to make up for it was confronting Lord Rhodes himself. Of course the man had been considerably intoxicated but it was still a surprise to Colin when he had approached him with aggression when asked of what he'd done. Colin had only meant to push him away but found himself in a 'blind rage' looking at the man.

Though I have never condoned the violence men chose to partake in, some part of me couldn't help but be thankful for what Colin had done. He was lead astray by male aggression but had gone into the situation attempting to take care of someone he cared for. He was attempting to take care of me.

My room was now filled with the small bouquets brought by him on each of his visits. He always brought different flowers and I began to truly wonder if he know their meanings as each either represented love, friendship, or admiration in some form. The blossoms brought a fresh fragrance into my room as well as a rainbow display against the simple white of my walls. I found myself smiling at each one as I prepared for the wedding of Daphne to the Duke of Hastings.

Through the weeks they had become engaged and requested a special license to marry straight away. Though it all was a surprise to no one as the two had been courting for some time but when I spoke to Daphne of it I couldn't help but think she seemed uneasy. My family was invited to join the Bridgerton's at the church despite the marriage itself being a small one.

"You're family, just the same as my own," Daphne had told me the day before.

After the small affair at the church we returned home briefly to prepare for the party at the Bridgerton home. The younger of my siblings stayed to work on their schooling while Elliot, Josephine, and I walked next door to the home of the event.

"Now remember just because the season has ended for Daphne does not mean it has for you," Josephine uttered in my ear as we made our way in. She had continued to show her displeasure in Colin's courtship despite standing up for him against Lord Rhodes.

"Josephine, can't you let a party be just that for one afternoon?" Elliot laughed.

I chose to ignore their bickering and made my way through the party searching for a friendly face. I spotted Daphne and she smiled at me before waving me over.

"Congratulations! You made the most beautiful bride," I gushed as I hugged her tightly.

"Oh thank you, but I am dreading leaving you this evening."

"It'll just be as though you're on a summer trip, Daph. And you know as soon as you return I will be here waiting to hear every detail."

"You act as if I won't be writing you as much as I can," Daphne laughed. Her eyes began to wander the party and I felt the anxiety radiating off of her.

"Daphne, you will make a wonderful Duchess," I smiled gripping her hand and giving it a light squeeze.

"Thank you, Maggie. You'll never know how your friendship has helped me through the years."

I felt tears sting my eyes after hearing her words. We had been together since birth and the thought of being without her weighed on me. Despite us growing into our own people over the years there was an irreplaceable bound.

"There you are, I was beginning to believe you simply weren't here."

I turned to see a smiling Colin and I took a deep breath to compose myself before greeting him.

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