03.the garden

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The weeks went on in a blur, days were a blend of social events, and waiting for callers that never came. At each event Colin made a point to ask me to dance, and Josephine refused to let me deny him once. He made near constant jokes about our supposed courting, even sending a bouquet of daisy's one afternoon. It sent my siblings into a fit, demanding to know what was truly going on between us.

"A man does not just send flowers as a jest," Josephine berated.

"Oh Jo, just be happy! Our Maggie is in love," Edward laughed and began dancing with Florence as Evangeline played a waltz, "Maggie, my love let us marry tomorrow!"

Elliot was the only one who neither nagged or laughed at me as his time was mostly spent with our father. Doctors came through the house as though it were an inn, each telling us what we all knew to be true. Our father's health was simply getting worse. He never seemed to eat, only taking small bites if he did, and he seemed as though he were fading before our eyes. We tried to keep word of his decline within the home, begging each of our staff to say nothing in town. None of us were ready to deal with the pitiful stares that came along when you lost a parent, and I believed each of us still had a hope he would turn around as he had once or twice before.

Despite my arguments of staying home with our father Josephine insisted she escorted me to the home of Lady and Lord Stenhouse for a ball. I readied myself with the assistance of my lady's maid, Ginny. Josephine insisted I wear a dress she had made for me, a simple lavender with a tight white ribbon around the waist. As Ginny finished my hair and put on my pearl necklace I smiled at how pretty I felt.

"Would you be liking anything else tonight?" Ginny asked when she finished. I answered with a simple shake of my head, allowing her to leave before making my way to my fathers room. I entered without knocking to find him in bed as always, with only the fading sun illuminating his room. I made my way over and smiled at his peaceful appearance.

"Goodnight, Papa," I whispered before placing a soft kiss on his temple and making my way downstairs to depart for the night.

.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

Elliot had decided he was joining us for the evening last minute and I could see the disappointment on Josephine's face. The whole carriage ride was full of a tense silence that Elliot was either unaware of or simply did not care about. As our carriage slowed and we approached the Stenhouse's home Josephine look at Elliot for the first time since we left.

"I will be the one to stay with Maggie tonight, it is important she socializes with eligible men and not just your old school friends."

"That is fine by me, sister," Elliot sighed, "Just remember there is truly no rush. If she does not marry this season there will always be others."

"I'm afraid there is a rush though, brother," Josephine seethed, her face turning pink, "If you have forgotten our father is gravely ill and may not be with us next season. Unless you want to have four people under your care instead of three I suggest we act with urgency."

"Can you two please stop speaking of me as if I am not here?"

They both fell silent and refused to meet each others eyes as we made our way into the home. Though I had hope for my father I couldn't help but hear Josephine's words ringing in my head. Elliot would be in charge of not only the estates, but of anyone in the house. It would be years before Evangeline would be old enough to marry, and so many more for little Florence. Despite my best efforts, I agreed with Josephine. Though I desired a love match, time was simply running out for me to find a husband who could care for me so I wouldn't become a burden to my family.

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