01.the dance

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Six Years Later

My elder sister, Josephine, stood at my wardrobe looking at every dress with careful inspection. Tonight was the first ball of the season, and after Daphne being called flawless by the Queen during her presentation Josephine was determined to make sure I stood out.

"Do you not have anything newer?" She asked, flipping through the wardrobe for a third time.

"Josephine, most those are new. Elliot escorted me to the modiste just a fortnight ago."

"This is why you need," Josephine sighed, letting her sentence hang in the air. We both knew what she meant. I needed our mother.

But since she could not be here for my debut into society Josephine insisted she would leave her family and join us for the season. Though I was thankful for her assistance it was obvious that neither of us were prepared it at all. Josephine pulled a white dress with a pink floral overlay from the wardrobe, holding it out at arms length as she eyes it from top to bottom.

"I suppose we will make due until we can make our own trip this weekend, yes?"

I smiled at my sister, taking the dress from her. A sigh escaped my lips as she left the room, leaving me with my lady's maid to prepare for the evening at hand.

.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

The carriage ride seemed to go on forever, our knees knocking each other with each bump and turn. I sat next to my eldest brother, Elliot, and across from Josephine as she reinforced trivial society etiquette into my brain.

"If a man request a dance, do not refuse him unless your card has already been filled. You must also remember that dancing with a man three times in one night is seen as improper, and though it may not be a scandalous act—"

"Josephine," I interrupted, "Though I may not have a mothers guidance this season, I do not need you to treat me as though I know nothing of society."

The carriage was silent. Josephine mouth set slightly agape at my outburst, but I swore I could see Elliot fighting off a grin. My teeth found my lower lip as I realized my cruelty, regretting my words as quickly as they had come out. Josephine had a hard time leaving home, and it was only worsened by our mother passing shortly after. Now she was wed to a soldier who was hardly home, and spent all her time with her only child, Amelia. She left Amelia to care for me, and I couldn't help but feel I was causing her to regret that decision.

"I'm sorry, Jo. I do appreciate your presence for my season, and I know it is with the best intentions."

"But you are right," Josephine sighed, shaking her head as her eyes found her lap, "You are not the girl I left six years ago. You are a woman and I should treat you as such."

A smiled crept onto my face, and slowly hers began to match. The carriage the came to a halt and upon the doors opening the footmen assist my sister out first.

"I'm surprised you held that long, sister," Elliot chuckled under his breath before exiting the carriage. As I took his hand to step out I peered at him, waiting for further explanation.

"Edward and I made a small wager as to how long you would last with her pestering," Elliot explained, looping his arm through mine. "And of course I won, for the boy thought it'd take you a full week to stand up to her."

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