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After I watched the birds fly away I decided it was time to do the same. I said a quick goodbye to Eloise before returning to the party that was slowly coming to an end. The groups of people were thinning as they slowly dispersed making it easier to find my siblings huddled against a wall. I approached them with a forced smile, ignoring their bickering that I could only assumed hadn't ceased during the party. Before I could get to them there was a hand around my wrist, causing me to gasp and turn to see who it was.

"Maggie I've been looking for you, I'm sorry if I upset you earlier I—"

"Colin," I interrupted, "I am the one who should apologize for leaving in the middle of a dance. I truly do not know what came over me."

Colin's face was soft, almost one of concern as he took in my words. I felt my own demeanor change as I looked at him, my shoulders falling to a slouch and my eyes fixating on the floor.

"Do no longer wish for me to court you?" Colin asked in a hushed voice, his question almost drowned out by the lingering guest.

"I am simply afraid that you are rushing into to this, and you may find yourself regretting it in years to come. I mean what of your travels? You speak so fondly of the world and your desire to see it, if you gave that up for me—"

"It would be more than worth it." Colin answered with a smile.

Despite shaking my head in disagreement I felt a smile find its way to my own face at his words. He then linked his arm with my own and escorted me towards my siblings, greeting each of them as he approached.

"Mr. Bridgerton, you must extend my complements to your mother on the wonderful afternoon," Josephine's tone didn't match her smile, it was full of bitter condescension.

"I will be sure to let her know," Colin's smiled either oblivious to my sisters cruelty or simply ignoring it.

"Yes, but I do believe we should return home before we overstay our welcome," Elliot quipped, eyeing Josephine out the corner of his eye.

"Don't be silly, Elliot. You Haywards are just as much Bridgerton as I am," Colin laughed.

"Perhaps even more so soon," Josephine cooed as Elliot linked his arms with hers.

We said a quick goodbye to Colin before making our way to our own home. Each of us allowing ourselves to fall into the mundane remainder of the day.

.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

The next day Elliot and I were promenading through the park to take in the fresh air. I allowed him to lead me with our linked arms as I found myself captivated by a book on Greece that Colin had brought me weeks before. The words held no contest with his own lively descriptions but it made me realize why he longed to visit. My feet moving mindlessly ultimately failed me, causing me to trip over a loose stone on the path. Elliot caught me before I could hit the ground but the book fell from my grasp and I watched skid into a pair of feet.

"Oh I am so sorry," I apologized as I scrambled to grab the book only for it to be grabbed before I could reach it. My eyes traveled to to the face of the hand and shoes I had observed only to be met with Colin Bridgerton as I often was.

"I completely understand how distracting the book can be," He grinned as he returned the book to me.

"I tried to tell her that reading is a sedentary activity but I am sure you know how stubborn she can be."

I shot a small glare towards my brother at his words but found both him and Colin laughing at them. I shook my head as I dusted off the book, attempting to find my place once more.

"Indeed but it was of the many qualities I adore about her," Colin said eyeing me subtly.

"Lucky for you as I have no plans of changing," I retorted with a grin to both boys as they laughed once more.

"I would never dream of you changing."

Colin then joined us in our walk, bringing more laughter than Elliot or I had in some time. As Colin walked us to the door of our home I caught him eyeing the windows.

"Is your father home this afternoon?" He asked facing towards Elliot and I. My brother hesitated looking to me for a moment before looking back to Colin with a tight smile on face.

"He is but he is resting."

"Might I take just a moment of his time?"

I began biting my lower lip as I waited for Elliot to explain. Instead of telling Colin the truth of our father's condition Elliot nodded and gestured for Colin to lead the way. Inside our home I found Florence sitting on the stairs sobbing as her governess cradled her. I rushed over to my youngest sister, falling to my knees as I placed my hands on her lap.

"Florence what is the matter?" I breathed, attempting to stay calm to not upset her further. She choked on her gasp, hair sticking to her tear soaked cheeks as she shook her head. I looked to the older woman expectantly and she hesitated we she tried to speak.

"It's your father, Miss Maggie," She croaked, "Mister Edward had to send for the doctor as he had a horrible coughing fit, ma'am."

"He is well though, yes?" Elliot's voice came from behind me.

The governess began shaking her head, silent tears rolling down her cheeks as she gripped Florence tighter. I began running up the stairs towards my father's room as Elliot and Colin called out behind me. In my fathers room I found the rest of my siblings sitting silently around the bed. The sheet was pulled over my father's body and I felt myself stumble backwards into someone.

Tears racked my body as I began to scream out, feeling as though I had been transported to the day of my mother's death. I felt myself be slowly pulled away from the door and watched as Elliot made his way in, his face was emotionless and his skin colorless. I watched him pull the sheet back and though my father's face was out of my view I let out a bloodcurdling scream until he placed it back over him.

I could hear Colin speaking to me, attempting to calm me down as he cradled me tightly. None of his words held as he spoke to me my mind only able to focus on one never ending question, pulling me back further into my past.

How could he be gone?

Magnolia || Colin Bridgerton Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora