05.secret keeping

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Spring 1800

The breakfast table at the Wilton House was filled not only by people overlapping chatter of the Bridgerton and Hayward families. Daphne and I were thinking of all the things we could do outside this afternoon, our current favorite option was making bouquets of wild flowers we found on the property. My eyes wandered across the table as I took another bite of my fruit to find Josephine shyly watching Anthony sat across from her.

"I believe my sister is taken by Anthony," I whispered to Daphne.

She looked over at the two and back to me with wide eyes. We both began laughing, it only getting worse when she let out a snort.

"Do you girls want to share what is so funny?" Mr. Bridgerton smiled at us from his spot at the head of the table.

"Sorry, Lord Bridgerton I just told Daph a silly story," I lied as both Daphne and I bit back grins.

"Must be quite hilarious to make you all laugh so hard," Daphne's father chuckled.

"You should've heard them last night," Elliot groaned, "Kept Colin and I up forever with their chatter."

I kicked my brother's leg from under the table, causing him to send me a sharp glare. I then looked to my parents who wore knowing looks as they stared back at me.

"Maggie, we told you if you were allowed to share a room with Daphne you two mustn't keep each other up," My mother explained calmly.

"It wasn't her fault Lady Hayward," Daphne started to defend me but I grabbed her hand and shook my head at her.

"I'm sorry, Mama. I promise it won't happen again, I was just overexcited to be in the country."

My mother sent me a tight lipped smile before looking to my father. Though he seemed to understand my feelings once he looked at my mother he let out a sigh. I knew then that Daphne and I would not be sharing her room before he even said it.

Lord and Lady Bridgerton had my belongings sent down the hall from Daphne's room upon my fathers request. The whole afternoon I had to comfort the girl as we picked our flowers. I told her I would simply wait until everyone else had gone to bed before sneaking down the hall. That evening we were both giddy with anticipation for my plan, rushing our way through dinner so we could be sent to bed.

I waited in the darkness of the unfamiliar room for what seemed like an eternity before slowly creaking the door open. As I looked down the dark hall anxious thoughts began weaseling their way into my mind. Though I didn't see anyone there I began to worry that the shadows cast on the walls were monsters or demons of some sort. Shutting my eyes tightly I flung open the door and began to run down the hallway towards Daphne's room. But I was suddenly knocked to the ground as I ran into something.

My eyes flew open as I let out a gasp, convinced that one of the beings from my imagination was about to get me. I was relieved to make out the figure of a boy instead and quickly rushed to my feet.

"Magnolia?" I recognized the whispering voice of Colin Bridgerton, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to—"

"It's fine," I breathed before rushing past him and into Daphne's room. She sat up on her bed, looking at me excitedly before she took in my appearance.

"Are you alright?" She whispered.

I nodded as I made my way into the bed with her. We talked in hushed tones for sometime before drifting into our sleep. The next morning at breakfast I waited anxiously for Colin to tell my parents of the night prior. He noticed me watching him and merely sent me a smile before winking. A blush formed on my cheeks and the rest of the meal I focused intently on my food. Noticing my silence Daphne began pestering me as we made our way outside for a game of pall-mall with everyone.

"Did your parents find out you snuck into my room last night?" She whispered as we set up an iron hoop for the game.

"No, but I'm afraid I ran into Colin on my way," I whispered back, "I'm worried he may tell."

"Oh, just tell him something of yours was forgotten in my room and you needed to retrieve it."

As the game went on I was unable to focus on it closely, instead thinking of the trouble I may be in if Colin did tell. Taking advantage of my absentminded playing Colin hit his ball into mine, sending it flying to the other end of the yard. Daphne huffed at his action and took her turn to do the same to his ball, sticking her tongue out at him after she did so.

"Oh I'll get you for that!" Colin laughed as we both began to make our way to retrieve our balls. I walked as quickly as I could, Colin's footsteps audible from just behind me. When I spotted the purple and red of our balls I let out a sigh of relief before I began mindlessly dribbling mine back towards the game using my mallet. Colin instead opted to hit his ball with a light force each time, slowly keeping up with me.

"Are you going to tell?" I couldn't even look up from my ball as I asked, too nervous of what he may say.

"Why would I?" Colin laughed.

"To get me in trouble of course."

"I don't see the harm in it, Elliot was the one complaining."

I stopped dribbling my ball and smiled at Colin who returned the gesture. We walked the rest of the way in silence only to learn Anthony had won the game. Yet I didn't feel the sting of losing quite like the others as I was still smiling over Colin's kindness the rest of the afternoon.

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