A New Life

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[A/N: So here we are – the final chapter. In the end, this story was much shorter than my other stories, but I'm still proud of how it developed over time from just a simple idea. 

Thanks so much to all my readers for (kind of) "pushing" me to write & publish it 😅 I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. Lana and Colin will always be one of my OTPs 🥰]


May 2022

„Alright, here we are!", she pulled the laces as tight as she could, „Now, off you go! But careful, okay?"

Millie nodded eagerly as she carefully put one foot in front of the other while trying out her brand new roller skates. With a deep breath, Lana got up from the squat she had been in, realizing once more that this allegedly easy move was not as easy anymore for her as it used to be.

„You want me to hold your hand?"

„No, I can do it!", the little girl yelled, „I'm not scared!"

„Alright!", she replied, walking back to her chair, mumbling, „Speak for yourself..."

With a sigh, she took a sip of her lemonade, enjoying this little break. They had been at it non-stop since this morning, preparing everything for Millie's birthday party. She looked over to where Colin was heating up the barbecue, he still had to finish putting up the last of the decorations too. She could take care of it, of course, but he'd absolutely not have her go up the ladder, and she had already learned by now that there was no point in arguing with him over these things.

„Everything alright?", he asked as he came walking over to her.

„Yep!", just taking a little break.

„Of course. You okay?"

„Oh yeah, for sure! Don't worry. I just forgot how much work such kiddie birthday parties can be. It's been a while since my niece and nephews were that age."

„Right. Better get used to it again, then?"

„Seems like it", a soft smile appeared on her lips, then she leaned over to give him a kiss, „Come on, get your beer, you earned it."

„What? No no, I don't think..."

„Come on! It's fine, really! I know you want one. And Sean and Marc are gonna be here any minute now, then you'll have one anyway."

He blushed with a shy chuckle. „Okay... maybe you're right."

When he took his first sip, his gaze got lost in the distance to where his daughter was being a trooper on her roller skates.

„Five years! I can't believe it... She was a baby just yesterday, wasn't she?"

Lana chuckled, sticking to her lemonade. „I'm sure she was. You ready to do it all over again?"

„Well, no turning back now, is there?"

He reached out to gently caress her cheek with his thumb, and she nodded with a smile, her heart skipping a beat. All this was the craziest and at the same time the most beautiful dream she'd never have allowed herself to even have.

„Lana, Lana! Did you see me? Did you see how fast I went??"

She turned her head and yelled. „Watch out where you're going, sweetie, okay?"

Millie came stumbling across the grass in her roller skates, arms flailing in the air for balance, before climbing on Lana's lap.

„Did you see how well I did?"

A Different Time, A Different PlaceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon