The Sleepover

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„Hello, Millie!", she gave the little girl a beaming smile, „Welcome, welcome! Did you have a great time with your friend and her family?"

The four-year old who was hugging her plush bunny tight nodded eagerly. „Yeah!"

„Thank you so much for brining her by", Lana said to what must have been her friend's mother, a friendly woman with chubby cheeks and fiery red hair who now let go of Millie's hand as she timidly stepped into Lana's house, instantly being sniffed up and down by a very curious Levi.

„Of course! Thanks so much for taking her."

„I'll let her father know that she arrived safely. Thanks again!"

After they had said their goodbyes, Lana went to rescue Millie.

„Levi! Stop it, I know you're excited that we have a guest, but leave her alone for a bit, will you? She's almost smaller than you!", turning to the little girl she added, „Don't be scared of him, sweetheart, he's big and clumsy, but he couldn't hurt a fly."

„It's okay", she replied, „I love doggies."

„Oh, you do? That's great! Maybe we can take Lola and Levi out for a walk later on, would that be fun?"


„Awesome!", she took the little girl by the hand and her suitcase in the other, surprisingly big for such a little girl, „Alright, but first, I'm gonna show you your room for the next few nights, you wanna see?"


„Okay, so let's go upstairs... your room will be right next to mine. Here we are... Nice and bright, and there's already someone waiting for you, Millie, look!"

She had bought her a little plush horse since she knew from Colin that his daughter absolutely ADORED horses. Naturally, the little girl's eyes lit up right away.

„Woooow, horsey!!"

„That's right, a little horsey for you", she put down the suitcase, „How about we unpack your things quickly and then we can think about what we wanna do today? You wanna help me open your suitcase?"

Possibly to no surprise there were more toys in the suitcase than anything else, next to some clothes and a few toiletries, so it didn't take them long to unpack.

Soon, they were back sitting in the kitchen and Lana was pouring both of them a glass of homemade lemonade. And while she was doing so, her hand was shaking ever so slightly. She couldn't really hide the fact that she was nervous like hell. Why? She didn't even know... Millie was four years old, she was already in love with her, as far as she could tell, and Lana herself was well aware that she was a natural with children. And yet... she felt like she was auditioning for one of the most important roles of her life, and it nearly made her wanna throw up.

„Alright, sweetie", she sat down opposite of her as she started slurping her lemonade, „What do you feel like doing today? I have no plans at all, the day is wide open!"

That was only partially true. She didn't have anything concrete planned, yes, but she did have options, boy oh boy, and how many options... The reality was that since that damn call from her boyfriend less than 24 hours ago, she had barely slept and spent every waking moment preparing and getting everything ready for the most epic sleepover Millie had ever had, as if the little girl would be staying for at least an entire week. She already knew that about 80% of all her efforts would be in vain, but that was okay. At least it made her feel slightly better prepared and a little more at ease with the whole situation.

„We can go to the beach", she started listing her options, „I know it's not bathing weather because it's winter now, but we can still take a walk with the doggies and play in the sand for a bit. Or we can go up to the hills instead. Or the playground, there's a rrrreally cool one close by. We can also go to the aquarium or the zoo... Or to a fun park! Or we just stay home, we can make some arts and crafts I got lots of supplies here!"

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