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[A/N: a little word of warning, this isn't really a mature story, but this chapter might be a tiny bit more smutty than usual + some dirty talk & strong language. Just so you know, proceed with the appropriate caution... 😬]


The next time that he saw her was on stage, at the welcome panel, in front of hundreds of fans roaring and screaming with excitement. He would have wished for a more intimate setting, but alas... here they were, and this was how it had turned out. At least she had made it to Paris after all.

And so, she gave him a friendly hug, just like everybody else, and she seemed just as tense as him, trying to make sure it wasn't too long, but also not too short – some fans had the talent to pick up on the tiniest details, even though he was pretty confident that no one was expecting there to be anything between them other than friendship at best. If not even their best friends Sean and Rebecca had figured it out, how should anybody else?

„Hey!", he mumbled while he pressed her against his body, almost shy.

Jesus... had her hair always smelled this good? Had her smile always been this disarming, and her eyes...?

Not even a week had gone by that he hadn't seen her, and yet, it was almost as if he had forgotten how beautiful she was, how sexy was her voice. He felt a shiver run down his spine and butterflies in his stomach, almost, and he could only silently curse to himself. Careful, you idiot, he thought, that's not how this was supposed to go! He had to be seriously careful to not fall in love with her after all and ruin everything they had built over the past few weeks or even years!

And it didn't get any easier as they were sitting next to each other giving autographs, nor during their group or duo photo ops where their fans would ask them to hug or touch each other in some other way, and when more often than not he could feel her breathing down his neck, which should be forbidden with minors around.

He barely ever dared to really look her in the eyes, for fear of what he might see in them: that she was struggling just as much as him to keep her cool in his presence, being so close to him, and yet unable to really give into how much she had been missing him, how she had been looking forward to being together with him here in Paris.

And so it wasn't until they were done with their program for day 1, and all of them were sitting together in the hotel bar – the same spot as usual – that they first dared to really make eye contact. And a silent arrangement.

„Alright, you guys", she said, clearing her throat, „I know it's still kinda early for me, but I'm completely knocked out after today, I'm so sorry! The jetlag's got me good..."

„Of course, no worries!", said Bex, „You just flew in today. The fact that you made it upright on your own two feet until now is remarkable enough, and that's me saying that, a mother of two!"

„Hear hear", Sean added, nodding, as Lana was hugging each one of them goodnight with kisses left and right, „You earned yourself a good night's sleep, my dear."

„I'll see you guys tomorrow then!"

„Sleep well, good night!", Bex yelled after her and waved, while Colin was nervously turning and twisting his phone in his hands.

Now, the game was on! They'd had to come up with a way for him to excuse himself without looking suspicious, especially in front of Sean who had come to witness their little makeout session last time around a few years ago and might be on to them right away.

His hands were almost sweaty when his phone rang.

„Hello? Evan! Hey, buddy, what's up?", he said, sounding casual – even though it was of course Lana on the other end, just as they had planned.

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