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[A/N: I'm SO happy you guys liked the first chapter *yay* 🤩

Since it apparently rose a few questions, hope some of them will get answered in chapter 2...]


Afternoon, the day before, somewhere in West Hollywood


He looked up from his book and his blank expression instantly turned into a beaming smile. „Oh my God, hey!!"

He got up from his chair to hug her tight.

„Hey, how's it going, you look great!"

„You too! And that long hair, wow! Almost didn't recognize you."

„It's so cool, isn't it? I really like it. Can I...?", she pointed at the empty chair at his table.

„Oh gosh, of course, please!"

„I don't want to interrupt your reading?"

„No no, are you kidding? Book wasn't that interesting anyway."

She put down her bag and sat down next to him. „Man, I haven't seen you in forever, how long has it been?"

„No idea, like... two years for sure. Before the pandemic."

„Right, how have you been?"

„Alright, I guess?", he smiled, „And you?"

„Oh, not too bad actually. I mean, all drama in the world aside, personally I'm really, really good, actually", she laughed, reached for his hand and squeezed it, „I can't believe I'm running into you here, I mean, what are the odds?"

„Well, given that it was Sean who recommended me this place... probably not too low?"

„Right!", she laughed, „But then, I'm almost surprised I haven't met you here before."

„I know, well, I haven't come here in a while, this might actually be the first time since COVID, I just recently remembered this place. Great to see they're still around."

„Right? I love it here! The garden here is the quietest place in the area, I love all the trees and the little pond. In spring it's even lovelier with all the flowers! Plus, they make great coffee and their pecan cheesecake is to die for!"

„Ah, really? I gotta try it then."

A young woman came to their table and served Colin the double espresso and a glass of cherry lemonade that he had ordered, then smiled at Lana, „Hello, welcome! What can I get you today?"

„Hi! I'd like a latte and a piece of the pecan cheesecake, please!"

„Actually, I'll try the cake too", Colin added.

„Coming right up!", she replied and left.

Lana leaned back, took in the serene ambience of this garden of one of her favorite coffee places in the city, closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Then, she looked at him.

„You know, just yesterday I've been saying to Bex that I haven't seen you in so long and I couldn't wait to catch up with you in Paris."

„Oooh, right! That's already... that's already next month, isn't it?"

„It is, yeah!"

„I can't believe we're doing in-person conventions again, how crazy is that?"

„I know! Have you done any this summer?"

„I haven't, actually. You?"

„Yeah, a few across the US. And before Paris I'll be in...", she tried to remember, „Sweden, I think... then I'll be back home for Thanksgiving and then I'll go back to Europe, to Germany and Portugal in December."

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