A New Project?

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Disappointment went across (Y/n)'s face as he stared heavily at the blueprints that were just placed so casually onto his desk.

His (E/c) hues drifted upward, making eye contact with a very shady sage that the male hated so much.

"You want me to do what, Azar?" (Y/n) asked, raising a brow at the older man that he currently didn't want to talk to, but had to unfortunately.

Azar chuckled lowly. "You're one of the best engineers in Sumeru. So, I was hoping that you'd be able to build a robot for our future Archon," he answered.

(Y/n) crossed his arms over his chest with a small frown dancing upon his lips. "You do realize how long this could take, right? Do we even have the correct parts and enough mora to do this?" He questioned.

Azar smirked. "We have a Fatui Harbinger paying for every single little thing we need. So, don't worry about that."

'A Fatui Harbinger...? Fucking hell.' (Y/n) thought.

"And who is this Harbinger that you're speaking about?" The (H/c)ette continued to ask, wanting to get enough answers and information to send out to Cyno and the others.

"That would be me," another voice piped up as they entered (Y/n)'s office.

(Y/n) brought his (E/c) hues up and over, taking notice of two new figures in his office.

With a groan of dissatisfaction, (Y/n) placed his hands on his desk and leaned forward a bit.

"Il Dottore, also known as "The Doctor"..." (Y/n) mumbled.

Dottore smirked. "Oh, good. You know who I am already, then I don't need to introduce to you who I am," he retorted.

(Y/n)'s eyes then landed on the short indigo-eyed figure.

"And who let this sassy lost child into my damn office?" (Y/n) asked.

Hearing this caused the second figure to flare up in anger.

"I am not a child! I'm the Balladeer if you must know!" The other snapped.

(Y/n) just rolled his eyes. 'Two Harbingers. Fucking great.' He thought in disappointment.

"And I'm guessing that I'll be building the robot for the Balladeer? Is that right, Azar?" (Y/n) questioned as he made eye contact with the older sage who ran the Akademiya.

Azar chuckled. "You catch on quickly, (Y/n). That's what I like about you," he replied.

(Y/n) huffed lowly as he finally decided to sit in his chair and leaned against an open palm of his hand.

Dottore smirked. "How long do you think you'll be able to finish it?" He questioned.

(Y/n) picked up the blueprints, and stared at them with a calculating gaze.

"Without help, it could take a week or two to finish it," (Y/n) answered.

The Balladeer scoffed lowly. "How about with help?" He asked.

(Y/n) made eye contact with the indigo-eyed Harbinger and stared blankly.

"An estimation of three to four days depending on how many helpers we can get," (Y/n) answered.

Dottore hummed. "I'll be sending over some help for you then. What time do you think you'll be able to start working on it?"

With a sigh, (Y/n) leaned into his chair, staring directly at all three figures in his office.

"I can start in the morning by the crack of dawn. I, however, can't promise that half of it could be done within a single day," (Y/n) answered bluntly.

Dottore gave a sound of approval as he smirked. "It'll be great working with you, (Y/n)."

Azar looked over at the grandfather clock in the room and shook his head.

"Come, Dottore. You and I have something to talk about," Azar ordered.

Dottore nodded his head before turning to look at the shorter figure beside him. "Scaramouche, stay here and put in your ideas. It is your robot, after all."

Scaramouche frowned heavily. "I have to stay with... this thing?" He asked in disbelief.

"I don't want you here either, but we are partners for half a week. So, suck it up," (Y/n) grumbled.

Scaramouche snarled as he directed a glare in (Y/n)'s direction.

(Y/n) just waved off the glare, used to the stare due to the many times his brother and a certain Forest Watcher scolded him for overworking himself.

"Good. We'll see you both tomorrow morning," Dottore states before leaving the office with Azar in the lead.

Scaramouche begrudgingly plopped himself down onto a seat he brought over and leaned against a hand of his.

"So, what the hell do you have planned?" Scaramouche rudely asked.

(Y/n) raised a brow at the indigo-haired figure before him.

"Before anything, lose that damn attitude of yours," (Y/n) hissed.

Scaramouche was about to snap back but was stopped when a hand was wrapped around his lips.

(Y/n) took notice of how not a single breath of air left Scaramouche's nose, making him mentally smirk.

'A puppet, huh? Interesting.' The (H/c)ette thought.

The (H/c)ette then scoffed lowly as he brought Scaramouche closer to his face.

"If you don't lose that damn attitude of yours, I'll fucking manhandle you some way. Whether you like it or not," (Y/n) warned lowly.

Scaramouche's eyes widened a bit as he felt his fake heart speed up at the underlying threat.

(Y/n) released his hold and picked up the blueprints, placing them gently onto Scaramouche's lips.

"Now, tell me what you want to be added to your desired treasure this thing should need."

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