𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑜

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To Wake Up Fine

A knock on the door was followed by the opening of Vixie's front door. Vixie didn't know who it was, and it was six in the morning, so naturally, she grabbed the baseball bat. She went to swing but heard a yelp from Tommy.

    "What the hell?!" He exclaimed.

    "Dude! It's six in the freaking morning. I thought you were a murderer or something." Vixie reasoned. "But you couldn't kill someone if you tried."

    "Come on, we gotta go get Oliver." Tommy reminded her. Vixie groaned. "I know, I know, it's the morning. I brought coffee." Tommy told her, handing her the paper cup.

    Vixie smiled at the caffeine, and Tommy motioned for her to follow him. "You know I could have driven myself and met you guys later..." She realised.

    "Vi, I don't want there to be a car accident today." Tommy told her, making her gasp dramatically.

    "I am a very good driver." She defended herself.

    He stared at her with furrowed brows. "You drive extremely fast! No person should be able to drive at the pace you do!" Tommy exclaimed, getting in the car. Vixie climbed into the passenger seat and continued to drink her coffee and wake up.

    "I feel the need for speed." She replied. Even though he rolled his eyes, he had a grin on his face.

    Vixie fell asleep on the way to Oliver's, and Tommy looked at her for a brief second before turning his attention back to the road. When they finally got there, Tommy didn't want to wake her up, but he had to.

    "Vi. Vi. Vi." He repeated, louder and louder each time. He nudged her. Nothing. "Vixen Nora Allen."

    She just groaned in response.

    "Well, that is a very intelligent response." He muttered. "Vi, come on. Get up."

    "Half a minute. Please." Vixie pleaded, but sighed when he gave an unimpressed look.

    Vixie tripped on air as she walked to the house. Tommy opened the door for them both as they walked in. Moira looked at the two of them standing together. They walked up the stairs, seeing Oliver giving Thea a gift.

    "A rock. That is sweet. I want one of those T-shirts that says... My friend was a castaway and all I got was this crappy shirt." Tommy said, laughing.

    Thea looked at both Tommy and Vixie, then Oliver. "Don't let him get you into too much trouble. You just got back. Take it slow." Thea told him. Oliver pulled his sister close to his chest and kissed the side of her face.

    Tommy cleared his throat, "the city awaits."

    The dynamic trio walked out of the room from Thea and Tommy continued talking. "Have you noticed how hot your sister's gotten?" Both Vixie and Oliver shot him a look. "Because I have not."

    "Good." Vixie responded, making Tommy laugh like he was in danger from the two of them.


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