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Do You Like It When I'm Away?

Death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints, it is greedy. It takes every ounce it can get its filthy hands on, and destroys the light. To death, blood is like water, it nourishes and hydrates the body. Death is a natural form of life, so why is everyone so afraid of it? Perhaps some are not afraid, rather, they want to live a full life of purpose. But the other side of the coin has been hurt by death. Death took what they loved and ripped it from their chest.

It messed with a person, it could make them paranoid, sad, or a void of nothing. For a young girl named Vixie, it went in the order of: sad, a little bit of paranoia, then a continuous void of nothing. She knew a girl who had just lost her mother due to murder should feel upset, and of course she was, but there was nothing. Her chest felt light, as though there was nothing in her body. And with her step-father being framed for the murder, Joe West was kind enough to have herself and her brother stay with him and his daughter until they were old enough.

But people in school talked. Ever since kindergarten, the kids were assholes to her and her brother. With the name Vixen, there was unwanted attention drawn to the young girl. Her mother named her after the fox, having a sneaky suspicion that her daughter would be clever, tricky, mischievous, but adaptable, and determined. And that she was.

She had found a way to get her mother to admit that Henry Allen was not her biological father, but that was it. And believe it or not, her birth certificate was hard to find, so hard that she stopped looking.

As Vixie grew older, her social life & friends started to disappear into the atmosphere. She was fairly young when she moved to Starling City, but money had appeared from almost thin air, it was of course confusing, but the money wasn't stolen, it was simply given to her in a cheque from: unknown.

She became close with a few people already residing in Starling City, to name them: Oliver & Thea Queen, Laurel & Sara Lance, and Tommy Merlyn. Although Oliver and Tommy were what you'd call playboys, they were more like themselves around Vixie, which shocked a few people.

The girl found a home, yet she was travelling all over the place. It wasn't that she didn't like Starling, she just simply needed to go to other places. Vixie wasn't a stay in one place kind of person.

But now, a year later, she had returned. The news stating that Oliver and Robert Queen, along with Sara Lance were dead left a tear in her soul. But there was something off about it. Maybe Robert was dead, but Sara and Oliver... it didn't seem true. Some said it was because she was close with the two, but when her mother died, she felt her physically go.

Vixie was thankful for Moira, even though she had some faults and wrote some wrongs, she always made her feel at home in the Queen household. Not a second after she opened the door, she saw the few people she knew. First her eyes landed on Moira, then Walter, Malcolm, then Thea, then Tommy. "And here I thought I'd be greeted with just air and silence." She said.

Thea went to go hug her, but Tommy beat her to it. "She's my best friend, I get the first hug." He reasoned. "You were gone for one year. 12 months. Do you know how long that is?" He muttered, placing his chin on top of her hair.

"12 months?" Vixie responded with pure sarcasm.

Thea cleared her throat. "Excuse me, some other people would like to hug and greet Vixie." She reminded Tommy.

Tommy reluctantly backed away from Vixie, hands held up in surrender. "My apologies, I didn't realise hugging my best friend after not seeing her for one year counted as a crime." He said.

Vixie rolled her eyes, hugging the younger girl. "Vixie, how was your trip to London?" Walter asked.

"It was great. Really different compared to here, but it wasn't bad." Vixie answered.

Moira gently hugged her, which was something Vixie was used to. Moira wasn't what you'd call an extremely affectionate person. Vixie wasn't bothered by it, mainly because she wasn't a highly affectionate person either. Vixie was a fighter, and a damn good one too. In a lot of people's eyes, she was one of the best. She could pinpoint the weak spots of a person in under a second. If her mother were alive, she'd tell Vixie she got it from her biological father.

Vixie snapped back to reality when Moira took her black jacket and hung it on the coat hanger. Then the phone rang, and Moira looked like she was about to cry tears of joy. She looked at Vixie, knowing Thea had run back upstairs. Vixie furrowed her brows, then she realised. She was right the entire time. Oliver freaking Queen was alive.

Finally, after many rewrites, it is here.

Tommy just wants the first hug, that's all.

Okay, bye!

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