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Isn't All Poison Deadly?

Fire wrapped itself around the building, a person was there, but their face was too blurry to see. But Vixie could hear screams, hell, she felt like she was there, but it was like glass. She couldn't move. It was like she was a part of the audience. Vixie heard a scream—

Vixie jolted out of her sleeping position and could barely catch her own breath. She could feel almost every molecule in her body, but she also felt numb, like noise and static from a TV. She found a black hair elastic and tied it in a low bun to get it off of her neck. She could feel the sweat dripping and everything felt hot all of a sudden.

She stood up hesitantly out of her bed, tearing the blankets off of her. Vixie found herself in the kitchen, pouring a cup of coffee. The ringing from the house phone scared the living shit out of her. 'Tommy'. She answered it. "What?"

"I just called to see how you're doing." Tommy told her.

"I'm fine," she started, then she heard the separate phone for vigilante shit beeping, "shit, Tommy, I gotta go. We'll talk later." Vixie told him.

"Wait—" She hung up.

A message from Oliver: I got shot.

Vixie furrowed her brows, grasping her hoodie and her jean jacket while drinking her coffee. She went to the lair, seeing Oliver stitching himself up.

"I got shot. Dude, why didn't you tell me you were doing vigilante shit. I would've gone—"

"And this could have been you." Oliver replied to Vixie, standing up and he put a white shirt on.

"Who was it? Or who were you trying to kill?" Vixie questioned, crossing her arms as she sat down beside him. Instead of facing the same direction as him, she just continued looking at him.

"I don't know who shot me. I was after James Holder." He answered. Vixie nodded in understanding.

"It's no surprise a man as corrupt as James Holder has more than one enemy." Oliver crossed James' name off the list.

Then he went to stand up and stumbled. Vixie narrowed her eyes when he fiddled with the pieces of gauze pads. Then Vixie realised, "it's a poison bullet."

Something clicked in Oliver's brain and he rushed to the box, opening it and shoving herbs down his mouth and ate it, drinking something down after. His eyes fluttered before he laid on his back on the floor. She didn't know if she had waited five minutes or five hours, but she stayed by his side, then he jolted up, and the computer started beeping.

"Damn it." Oliver groaned.

Vixie and Oliver high-tailed it to the Queen Mansion, and Oliver had put a long-sleeve shirt over his white t-shirt to hide the blood and bullet hole.

Two cops were talking with Moira and Walter. Dig turned around to look at both of them. "What happened? Thea okay?" Oliver asked, concerned.

"Cops brought her home. She and some of her friends broke into a store and tried on some dresses last night. Lit up the breathalyser like a Christmas tree. So how was your evening, sir, miss?" Dig wondered.

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