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  Chapter 71, don't be afraid that

  Li Xiaofang wrapped herself tightly in clothes and wore several other clothes.

  Even around the neck is a long cloth.

  It's already spring and summer, but it's still so thick.

  It doesn't matter what you wear, Fengjin is looking at Li Xiaofang's face.

  What kind of face is that?

  Potholes, black scars all over the whole face, scabs formed in some places, but turned into new wounds because of the expression.

  Red blood flowed out along the wound, and pus appeared in some places.

  Looking down the face, the scars can be vaguely seen on the place wrapped by the long cloth.

  She is no longer the same Li Xiaofang, and she can only vaguely see the old brows in her eyes.

  There was not a single piece of good flesh on the face, it was all scalded.


  Feng Jin was stunned for a moment, she heard about Xiao Fang's self-harm, and asked her father to prepare medicine for him to remove the burn scars.

  However, she did not expect that Xiaofang was injured so badly!

  Such a large area of ​​burns, even in modern times, may not be easy to heal, and scars will definitely be left on the face.

  However, the ointment made by the old man uses spiritual spring water, so the result will be different.

  It should have been delivered that day, but there was too much trouble that day, and my father was injured, so I didn't deliver the medicine.

  "Don't be afraid, don't look at my face if you are really afraid. By the way, is your father feeling better?"

  Li Xiaofang looked down at the ground in embarrassment, her face was covered with scars, but she spoke more openly than before .

  Because her skin doesn't look like a normal person's, it's really a little scary. When I went to see someone, it's no surprise that she wasn't spotted.

  She doesn't need to change relatives, and she doesn't need to change relatives.

  This matter has become serious, and the family needs to pay a large sum of dowry for the girl whom the elder brother likes.

  Unlike usual, her parents didn't beat her either.

  She seemed to find that her parents were also afraid of the scary-looking her now.

  This is really great.

  She even began to like this skin, which gave her a sense of security.

  "I'm not afraid, I'm just worried about you. Dad is already much better and can walk on the ground."

  Seeing Li Xiaofang like this, Feng Jin felt a little uncomfortable, and knew that he was thinking of other ways.

  Otherwise, she wouldn't have thought of self-harm because of her own words.

  "Don't worry, I won't be married off by them again in the future, and I can only work at home for the rest of my life, which is also a good choice."

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