Part 6 : More Creek!!

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"Blondes suck ass!!" group chat
5 online

Red :
Ok but why is Creek the gayest ship out all of our ships

Bebe :

Wendy :
Like the nicknames, "honey" and "babe"

Bebe :
Fr!!! And the fact they can't stay mad at each other!

Tweek :

Craig :Yes you are honey 💙

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Craig :
Yes you are honey 💙

Tweek :

Red :

Wendy :

Bebe :
Yea weren't they mad at each other cuz of cats and guinea pigs?

Red :
Yea Craigy boy has a soft spot for Tweezers

Wendy :
You have nicknames for everyone 😭

Red :
I do though..

Red :
But Tweezers is my favorite 💪

Tweek :

Bebe :HUH

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Bebe :

Red :
It's exactly what it says

Red :
And yes Tweek i do 😔

Wendy :
Oh yes it's alot of damage

Craig :
How the hell

Tweek :

Tweek :

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
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