Last day before reality

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Jimin and Jungkook came downstairs hand in hand the last few days they had been teased and tormented by the others but they didn't care.
It was the last day of their break, they knew once they were back that they would have to be careful with how they acted together in public.
RM had spoken to them alone the previous night, assuring them that the rest of them would stand by them in whatever way they wanted.
They went into the kitchen, everyone else was already there.
"Here come the livebirds, we won't ask what you were doing to make you late down," Suga smirked.
Jimin went red and Jungkook puffed out his chest,smirking back.
"Right last day, what shall we do?" RM asked.
"Not another amusement park please," Hobi whined
Everyone but Hobi and Jimin laughed, neither had enjoyed the fast rides and had eventually given up letting the others carry on.
"Can't we shop? There's a big town forty minutes away and I'd like to see what they have," Tae suggested.
Nods came from the others.
"Ok how about this, we spend the morning shopping, go to a restaurant for a meal, drive back and pack and clean up and order a takeaway?" Jin said.
It was agreed so RM rang security to make the arrangements and soon the group were travelling in a minibus watching the scenery go by.
Getting to the shopping mall they broke into two groups as security said it was easier to manage.
Jimin,Jungkook and Hobi in one and the rest in another. With a time to meet up they went off.
"Wow these T shirts are nice, I might buy a few," jungkook said as they went to a menswear shop.
Hobi found some eccentric looking shirts and bought two. Jimin didn't see anything he wanted.
A jewellery shop caught his eye when they walked along and he dragged the others in.
He found a beautiful white gold chain and a man's dangling earring and bought them.
Looking around he saw Jungkook and Hobi looking into a cabinet chatting.
"What's there?"
Jungkook showed him.
It was full of couple rings, but more interestingly male couple rings.
"Gosh, can you imagine S Korea selling these?"
"I like those," Jungkook said pointing to two white gold bands with a stone set in them.
"So pretty," Hobi said
"Can we try them ?", Jungkook asked the assistant.
The case was brought out and Jungkook slipped the larger one on his finger it fit perfectly.
"C'mon Jimin try yours,"
"Of course your my boyfriend !"
Jimin giggled and tried the other on which again fit him.
"It was meant to be !" Cried Hobi
"I'll take them," Jungkook said
"Kookie,they're quite expensive," Jimin whispered pulling Jungkook aside.
"We are worth it, we will wear them now thank you,"
The shop assistant smiled at the cute couple and soon the group were walking out .
They were in a large store and Jimin was looking at some lightweight jumpers. A male assistant came over.
"Can I help you sir?"
"Oh Erm do you do this jumper in other colours?"
"We do them in cream, pale blue, pink and yellow,"
"Can you show me?"
"Yes sir over there."
He walked jimin to a shelving area,"
"May I suggest sir the cream one would look very good on you...."
The assistant pulled one out aand stood behind Jimin turning him to a mirror and then holding the jumper in front of him.
Jungkook looked up from the jeans he'd been looking at to see this,attention, he poked his tongue in his cheek. Walking over he looped his arm around Jimins waist.
"What you buying Chim chim?"
"What do you reckon Kookie? This assistant thinks the cream would look good on me?"
"Oh ok, I'll have the blue please,"
The assistant nodded looking daggers at Jungkook who smirked back casually letting his hand slip to Jimins ass.
"Let's pay we are meeting up with the others soon,"
They paid up and Jungkook carried Jimins bags giving a sarcastic wave to the assistant.
Hobi was laughing.
"What's funny? " jimin asked looking around to see if something had happened.
"Your jealous boyfriend ...."
"What? Kookies not jealous why say that?" Jimin said innocently.
"Ah Jimin I adore you you are so cute, so your not jealous Kook?"
"That damned assistant would have got in his pants if he could!"
Jimin was confused ," what?"
"Never mind baby, just stay close to me when we are out ok?"
Jimin shrugged and nodded having no idea what the other two meant.
They met up with the others and they all went into a restaurant that served steaks.
They each chose a meal and when it came to ordering drinks Jimin asked the waiter what drinks they had that were non alcoholic but refreshing.
The waiter seemed mesmerised by Jimins smile and leaned in to point out drinks on the menu.
A guffaw of laughter came from Hobi as he saw Jungkooks face contort in frustration .
The waiter went off to do the orders.
"Can't you wear a bag over your head," Jungkook moaned to Jimin.
"What....., why I ugly....." Jimin asked nearly in tears.
"What...., no, no of course not but first the assistant in the clothes shop now the waiter, both want to jump your bones!!"
Hobi, Tae and Suga were sniggering.
RM and Jin bit their lips to stop smiling while Jimin patted his boyfriends face.
"Don't worry Kookie you must be imagining it...., oh good here's the food."
Jungkook sighed, Jimin seemed totally unaware of just how attractive he was.
The rest of the meal flew by and soon they returned to the house.
"I'm sleepy...," Jimin yawned.
"I'll take our stuff upstairs we have to pack it all up,"
"Right, pack your stuff do whatever you want for the next four hours, we will get a takeaway then clean the house, early start tomorrow." RM said
Most of them traipsed to their rooms. Jimin threw himself face down on the bed.
A heavier body was suddenly pushing against him and grinding against his ass.
"Mmm,Kookie I'm sleepy....."
Lips touched his neck.
"You should be punished..."
"Why ....what did I do?"
"Your too Damn desirable, those men wanted you...."
"I'm sure they didn't ....."
"I was jealous,"
Jimin wriggled around until he faced his lover,
"I'm sorry you were jealous,can I make it up to you?" He said seductively.
"What did you have in mind?"
"Maybe a kiss...., here?" Jimin said nibbling the others neck.
"Mmmmm,not enough"
"What about here?" He kissed Jungkooks cheek.
Jungkook swiftly claimed his lips and they kissed passionately.
Jimins hands ran under Jungkooks t Shirt  and he felt Jungkook grind against his crotch.
"Aaah Kookie,too many clothes...."
Within minutes both were naked,Jungkook kissed Jimins sensitive collarbone hearing the other sigh in
Jimin felt himself harden and could feel Jungkook was already aroused.
"Fuck me Kookie...."
"Not yet....."
Jungkook travelled down to his prize his mouth took Jimin in and he heard the others loud groan.
His tongue licked the others length as he sucked and swirled it in his mouth.
Jimin fidgeted restlessly pleasure building up.
Jungkook bobbed his head and used his hand to pump the other.
"Kookie....,ah...I...I want......."
Jungkook went faster and felt Jimin tense up before thrusting up and exploding down Jungkooks throat.
Jungkook swallowed every last bit he sat up to see Jimin breathing hard his eyes closed.
He knelt on the bed spreading Jimins legs gazing at the clenching hole. He put Jimins legs over his shoulders grateful for the others flexibility, lining his leaking member up he pushed into the other.
Jimins small hands gripped his shoulders as he gasped at the intrusion.
"Ah fuck Jimin your so tight and clenching on me I'm not gonna last!"
He thrust into Jimin deeply touching his prostrate so for the smaller male it felt like one long intense release.
"Ah Kookie too much ahhhh!"
"Your mine Jimin only I can claim you..., ah fuck....."
He thrust deeply and then the pleasure rolled through him releasing hard.
"Euuuurghhhhh!! Fuck ....."
He shuddered as intense feelings rolled through him. He lay panting above Jimin keeping his weight on his elbows.
He realised Jimin must be uncomfortable and let him slide his legs down.
"You ok?"
"Mmmm,so sleepy though,"
"Wait here.."
Jungkook got a damp cloth and cleaned Jimin up, as Jimin didn't remonstrate with him he could tell how tired the other was.
Rinsing the cloth and going back to the bed he lifted jimin up pulled the sheet back and placed Jimin in the bed, then climbed in....Jimin cuddled up to him his head on the others chest one hand at his waist and a leg sprawled over him.
Jungkook liked this and his arm came around Jimin.
"Just a little nap before we pack," he muttered.
"Mmmm," Jimin agreed.
Three hours later.
"Jimin!Jungkook! The food will be here in twenty minutes.
RM banged on their door waking them.
Jimin shot up wide awake.
He shook Jungkook.
"Kookie! We've been asleep hours, c'mon we need to shower, foods on its way and we haven't packed, fuck!"
Jimin ran into the shower panicking, jungkook smiled to himself,oh well no early night for them but it had been worth it,he casually got up going into the shower and startling the other until minutes later only small moans could be heard.

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