Feeling frisky

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Jimin sighed, he didn't want to wake up from this dream, it felt so real, his crush was kissing his stomach making his way down to........
Jimins eyes shot open to find it was reality not a dream, jungkook raised an eyebrow as he looked up at Jimin then naughtily took the others rising member in his mouth.
Jimin bit his bottom lip then moaned softly as Jungkook swiped his tongue across his tip.
Suddenly they both heard voices and panicked. Jungkook shot out of bed grabbing the bottoms he'd thrown on the floor the night before and throwing Jimins shorts at him before he disappeared into the bathroom lovking the door.
Jimin miraculously managed to get them on then turn on his side pretending to be asleep.
"KOOK, JIMIN! Get up!" Tae and Hobi yelled.
Jimmin pretended to wake turning to face them.
"Come on lazybones wheres Jungkook?"
"I don't know...,I just woke up because of you two,"
He sat up.
"Ew,Jimin you have no top on!" Hobi squealed
"You know I get too hot!"
"Doesn't Jungkook mind?"
"Doesn't Jungkook mind what?" Jungkook said, drying his wet hair.
"Jimin not sleeping in a top," Tae laughed
"It's too hot," Jungkook said," he's lucky I kept my pants on !"
Jimin blazed a fiery red at Jungkooks words.
"Hey!" He said
"Eugh! I don't need to know what you get up to on your own in your bedroom," Hobi said.
"Why did you come here again?" Jimin asked
"Oh yer forgot, a minibus is coming to pick us up in forty minutes, we are having breakfast out , we decided and shopping."
"Really? I'm going back to sleep," Jimin rolled over covering himself.
"Noooo! Come on let's go out!" Hobi demanded.
He whined so much with Tae joining in that Jimin flung the covers back and stood up.
"Argh!" Jimin held his back.
"What's up Jimin?" Tae asked.
Jimin couldn't really say he'd lost his virginity and his ass and back ached so while he scrambled for an answer Jungkook stepped in.
"Maybe it's where you banged yourself against the rocks yesterday or a different mattress?" He suggested as he tried not to laugh.
"Oh er yer I forgot, anyway get lost you lot so I can shower and get ready."
Tae and Hobi disappeared,Jimin gave Jungkook the evil eye.
"What?" The maknae asked
"It's your fault,"
"Ah does your ass hurt?"
"Of course it bloody hurts that was my first time!"
"Me too...."
"What ? But how did you...., you know...., know what to do?"
"Gay porn, it's amazing what you can find online!"
"So, how come I was the bottom?"
"Jimin with a Jibooty like yours of course your a bottom..."
Jimin gave him a dirty look and mumbled his way into the bathroom.
Jungkook chuckled at how cute he was, then finished dressing.
He glanced at the bathroom door but the shower was still running. He yelled that he was going downstairs then left.
Jimin came out looking at the clock and rushing as best he could,dressing in shorts and a baggy T shirt, picking sunglasses and flip flops up and going downstairs.
"Finally!" Suga moaned.
Suga relented,Jimin always managed to make him smile.
"It's ok..., I'm just hungry let's go."
They started piling out ,Jimin stopped to put his flip flops on and stood up to be confronted by a  grinning Jungkook.
About to say something he found his lips were covered by Jungkooks in a deep passionate kiss.
"Forgot to say good morning cutie," he turned going out of the house leaving Jimin to quickly look around to check no one else was there, he sighed when he realised there wasn't then rushed out, realising he was last again.
There were two seats left one next to jungkook and one next to Suga,Jimin  chose that one much ,to Jungkooks disgust.
They drove for twenty minutes then stopped at a beachfront cafe.
"Wow look it's really pretty "jimin said
"Mmmm, very pretty" jungkook said but he was not looking at the scenery but at Jimin.
"Let's eat!" Jin yelled and they all got out
Jimin again was last through the door and the only seat left was right next to Jungkook.
He sat down and immediately felt Jungkooks hand on his thigh under the table. He tried not to gasp and it turned into a coughing fit.
"Here Jimin have some water,"
A waitress came and took their orders. They could hear whispers around them as people realised who they were.
"Look it's Jin isn't he handsome."
"Isn't that Taehyung wasn't he in that tv series."
"Wow Jimins tiny close up, so cute!"
The boys smiled grinning at each other.
Some males sitting near a group of girls that were fan biting over them decided they didn't like the attention the others were getting.
"Look at them what's so good about them..."
"Yer cute huh!that small one didn't he only just make it in the group, he certainly doesn't look like an idol does he?"
"What they doing here anyway?"
The girls turned around to them and started arguing about what they were saying and how rude they were.
One male shoved one of the girls, Jimin stood up and ran over checking that the girl was ok.
"Get lost shorty, you think your special?"
"No but you shouldn't hurt women...."
By now the rest of the group were behind Jimin.
The cafe owner a big burly man came up,
"What's going on no fighting!"
The rowdy males smirked,
"It's them causing trouble chuck them out," one said looking believable.
"I'm sorry sir we are not here to cause trouble," Jimin bowed.
One of the girls stepped forward," dad it's not them it's these rude idiots,"
"Becky what happened?"
"They were saying rude things about my favourite group sara stood up for them and he shoved her,Jimin here came to see if she was ok."
"Right, you lot out, I won't have you in here causing trouble your banned."
He ushered the grumbling men out then returned.
"Boys whatever you want it's on the house," he said smiling at the group.
"Oh no no, we will pay!  It's fine."
The cafe owner nodded but his daughter came forward shyly.
"Would it be ok for us to have a photo taken with you here in dads cafe?"
The group nodded smiling, a photo was taken then the boys were left in peace to eat their breakfast .
"Jimin you should be careful rushing in like that they could have hurt you...," Jungkook said.
Jimin just gave a nod looking down and playing with the food in front of him.
Was it that obvious he didn't belong in the group? His old insecurities came crashing down on him and he pushed his plate away.
"Not hungry Jimin?" Jin asked
"Oh er no, still full from last night ," he lied.
Jungkook could tell Jimins mood had changed, he put his hand on Jimins leg but the smaller male stood up,
"Er I'm going to the bathroom..."
He looked around and then walked in the direction of the toilets.
"Mmm, me too, back soon ," Jungkook said rushing off.
He got to the bathroom to find Jimin looking dejectedly at himself in the mirror.
He turned the tap on quickly when he realised jungkook was there.
"Ok what's up?"
"What, nothing..."
Jungkook stood behind him hugging his waist.
"Don't lie,"
"Kookie, don't what if someone walks in!!" Jimin said wriggling in the others grip.
"Don't do that your ass is rubbing my crotch and I'm finding it hard to keep my hands to myself as it is!"
Jimin stopped blushing red.
"Let me go Kookie I should go back..."
Jungkook spun him round to face him,
"Tell me first what is it?"
Jimin could tell the other would keep on til he knew.
"You heard them...., that's what people think that I don't belong in the group...." His voice trailed off.
"What! Your listening to that asshole? Of course you belong in the group, you are an essential member, what you should be asking yourself is how he knew you were the last to join? He seemed to know a lot about us for someone who pretended he didn't think much of us!"
"But........, "
"No buts, you are part of this group and always will be so don't ever doubt it."
Jimin gave a half smile and turned to leave.
"Hang on...." Jungkook said.
"We were interrupted this morning...." Jungkook claimed Jimins lips possesively,enjoying the loan moan that came from Jimin.
"God I want to to so much more right now," Jungkook groaned.
"Kookie we are in a public toilet stop being frisky!!"
"I can't help it, look what you do to me!" He said looking down at the tent in his shorts.
The bathroom door started opening and Jungkook jumped back licking himself in a toilet.
Jimin placed his hands under the dryer just as Tae came in.
"Gosh I'm full,I may have to nap when we go back what about you Jimin?"
"Oh I might read....."
"Ok see you back at the table, is jungkook here?"
"Oh I don't know? Kookie?"
"Hey er be with you soon,"
Jimin disappeared out the bathroom going to their table where RM was settling the bill and saying how much they enjoyed it.
Tae and Jungkook came out, Jungkook had taken off his hoodie and was holding it in front of himself.
"Warm Kookie?"Jimin asked putting on an innocent face.
"Yer I got a bit hot, thanks for asking," he said to the other biting his lip in frustration , why were they always interrupted!
"Come on our minibus is here, let's go!" RM said.
Jimin sneaked into the front with the driver, keeping his smile in when he saw Jungkook raise his eyebrows in frustration.
They returned back to the house where each decided to do their own thing.
Suga used the hammock underneath a shady tree,soon dropping off to sleep,Jin lounged by the pool with Hobi, RM found a bike and set off on a cycle ride. Tae and Jungkook went into the small gym area and exercised, while Jimin got a book stripped of his top and sat on the balcony of his bedroom reading soon drifting off on the lounger as the sun warmed his body, which is where Jungkook found him nearly an hour later as he returned to his room to shower.

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