Its just a game

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Jungkook frowned at his friend,"what do you mean Tae? "
"Look how can we hang out if the fans start watching us, pretend that clingy Jimin is the real ship, then we can sneak around in the background , fans will pick on him not us...."
"But they will also have a go at me?"
"No they won't ,if you don't know by now that the maknae can do know wrong you've had your head up your ass,all I'm saying is act a little friendlier to Jimins playful advances..., it will keep him happy and cover us."
"It seems....wrong to use him like that."
"It's better that he gets called names than us....., come on treat it like a game, it's not like you have to fall for him....., you will have me....,right?" Tae ran his hand along Jungkooks back, the maknae didn't like this side of Tae, it was too self indulgent, yes he liked Tae and they had the odd cuddle and got on well and he was more than happy to spend time with him but using Jimin?
Tae could see Jungkooks frown so deliberately sat on his lap getting close," it's a cover ...,for us......"
Jungkook nodded just as the small male being mentioned walked in.
"Oh...Kookie,Tae....why are you on his lap?"
"He was trying to get away with washing the glasses so I sat on him good thing you came in Jimin or he'd run off!"
Jimin giggled," it's ok Kookie, I'll do them, let him up Tae!"
"Jungkook....Jimins saved you aren't you lucky?"
"Er yer, thanks Jimin."
"No problem Kookie," Jimin said smiling at his long time crush.
"Phew Jimin your all sweaty shouldn't you shower first?"Tae said wrinkling his nose.
Jimin reddened," oh sorry...., I'll do that first I just did extra practice,sorry if I smell..."
"Why extra practice Jimin?" Jungkook asked confused as he knew Jimin already did more than his fair share.
"Oh Tae told me I was a bit sloppy earlier..."
"Tae?" Jungkook turned to the other.
"Yer,you must have seen it too? It will help get that bit of weight of you too..."
Jimin hung his head," yes...., don't worry I'll try and get slimmer like the rest of you..."
"Well the camera does add pounds...." Tae said looking down at his slim figure.
Jimin walked to his room, Tae went to walk away but Jungkook grabbed his hand.
"Why say that to Jimin it's not like he's fat?"
"Jungkook ..., he doesn't fit our image does he..., a few pounds won't hurt!"
Tae walked away Jungkook staring after him, he didn't like this.
Jimin was a hard worker, he practiced all the time, he was always the one who got there first and left last. He was very kind always making sure the others had what they needed, keeping them amused. The only time he got annoyed was if someone called him short.
Jungkook didn't understand why Tae was willing to throw Jimin to the wolves,didn't he say Jimin was his 'soulmate?'
Of course Jungkook also knew Jimin had a crush on him, he pretended to blow kisses and was very touchy feely, well actually he was like that with all of them, just more so with Jungkook.
Of course he didn't mean it did he, a close group like theirs ,were very close with each other, the only reason Jungkook thought of hanging out in private with Tae was, well they were like minded,weren't they? Surely that was good enough to act on their hormones?the odd kiss and cuddle?
Of course he'd dallied around others but why look around if it was on your doorstep.....
Tae lay in his bed smiling, he'd been reeling Jungkook in for weeks.they would make such a good looking couple he thought.
A niggling doubt hit him, was he wrong to put Jimin in the spotlight? He liked the other he really did but he was so damn good at dancing and singing a fact that fans were commenting on more and more, it wouldn't hurt to bring him down a bit, then he could shine more.All Tae wanted was to get rid of the urges that sometimes appeared at inconvenient moments....,he wasn't gay just......wanting to experiment. They were an established group but private time was rare,he smirked, just like they had to practice their routines he wanted to practice other things before he moved onto all those pretty girls out there.
A yell came from the kitchen, it was Jin announcing that he'd cooked their meal.
Everyone rushed to the kitchen,
"Kookie sit here I've put your banana milk out," Jimin said patting the seat next to him.
Tae though sighed," Jimin he's an adult not a kid, don't talk like that...."
Jimin went red from embarrassment his small hands twisting together as he pretended to laugh of the remark.
"Sorry Kookie,I know your not a kid....."
Jimin sat on his seat not looking at the others.
"It's fine Jimin, I love banana milk,"
Jimin gave a slight nod but sat and played with the food on his plate.
Tae huffed, really Jungkook was standing up for Jimin? Then he smiled, of course Jungkook was doing what Tae had said getting friendlier.
"Is there something wrong Jimin does it taste funny?"
Jin asked worriedly.
"What? No it's good I um , I'm not that hungry...."
"Are you sick Jimin?" Hobi asked in a concerned voice.
"Oh for gods sake, what does it matter if he doesn't eat one meal, he won't miss it!" Tae whined,why did they all worry about Jimin?
"Tae! "
"What? You all think it but never say it, Jimin I'm sorry but you are chubby..."
Jimin stood up," I think I'll just....go out for a walk enjoy your food," he said quietly. He felt more hurt that the one he thought was his best friend was the one speaking up about his shortcomings.
He grabbed his Gym bag and left ignoring the bickering at the table.
"That was uncalled for Tae..." Suga announced.
"Look we all have to look a certain way, Jimin needs to try harder, he's my friend so I can tell him."
"That's one way of Justifying your rudeness," RM said.
"It wasn't rude it is an undeniable fact." Tae groaned out, what was wrong with them?
"So if I say you dance like shit that's justifiable too," Suga smirked.
"Come on guys be nicer to each other ," Jin asked.
"You should apologise to him Tae." Hobi suggested.
"Ok,ok.... Leave it will you all this over an innocent remark," Tae said irritated.
Jimin stayed out late, he was hungry but didn't want to let his friend down, Tae was right what did it matter skipping a meal here and there.
The gym was now closed so he'd had to leave. Pulling a mask and hat over his face he jogged back to the dorm.
It was silent when he got there, he drank a cool glass of water then emptied his gym wear into the laundry room, stripping down to his boxers and putting the rest in the laundry, after all no one else was up.
He flicked through his phone as he walked to his room crashing into someone as he went, tumbling onto his ass,with someone on top of him.
A body pressed him into the floor then got up hurriedly.
"Jimin! Sorry, I didn't see you,"
Jungkook stared down at the small male that he'd literally squished, without thinking he ran his hands over Jimin," did I hurt you?"
Jimin couldn't have gone redder if he tried,his crush was touching his near naked body.
Jungkook suddenly realised what he was doing but he didn't get embaressed, instead he joked,
"So this is the new dorm wear?"
"No I just... it was easy to strip off there and leave the laundry...," he babbled," erm I have to shower again, sorry....." he ran off Jungkooks eyes couldn't help staring at the others very cute ass.
Wait,why am I looking at Jimins ass?
Still it was a nice ass...., he smirked..., the things he could do.....
He went back to his room, maybe getting to know Jimin better was a good idea, not for what Tae thought though just for.........well Jungkook laughed to himself, maybe just to see Jimin blush cutely.

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