Its a feeling to strong

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Jungkook heaved himself from the pool, he'd done lap after lap. He felt weird inside, after his talk with Jimin he should be feeling relaxed but he didn't .
He sat on the edge of a lounger combing his fingers through his wet hair.
Jin and Rm came out drinking orange juice.
"Isn't the pool too cold this early?"
"Huh...a bit but you warm up quickly...."
"Go eat some breakfast..."
"Mmmm, I might just have toast, I'm not that hungry,"
"First Jimin now you.."
"Yer a glass of milk then he's gone ..."
"Gone......,gone where?"
"For a bike ride....,"
"Security went too,right?"
"No they told me he insisted on going alone."
"Damn it, what's he thinking anyone could get to him...!"
"Jungkook it's a bike ride........., he's an adult you know?"
Jungkook mumbled something about how one adult can get in trouble then stomped upstairs to shower and dress.
He sat on the balcony staring out at the sea, constantly checking the time on his phone.
A knock came on the door and Tae walked in.
"Hi what you doing, where's Jimin?"
"Who knows..."
"He's gone out on his own on a bike!"
"You should have gone with him, you did make up didn't you?"
"Of course, we decided we would go back to being friends so that nothing is disrupted."
"We? Let me guess you did most of the talking right?"
"What does it matter who did what? It's sorted now,"
"Dumbass..!" Tae muttered under his breath.
"Nothing...., so why do you sound so annoyed that Jimins gone off on his own?"
"Well because........" he stumbled to a halt.
"Well he's clumsy and not good with directions..."
"I see," Tae said smiling to himself.
The door opened and a sweaty figure entered.
"Oh hi, I'll just take a quick shower and leave you two alone ," Jimin said with a fake smile on his face.
He quickly grabbed some clean clothing and went into the shower.
"Look see he's back safe and sound,"
"Coming for a walk on the beach?"
"Er.....,ok sure," jungkook glanced at the closed bathroom door then nodded.
Jimin found the room empty, sighing he made his way downstairs.
Jimin was talking to Jin in the kitchen, he glanced up as Tae and Jungkook walked outside.
"Hellooooo Jimin?"
"I asked if you fancied coming food shopping?"
"Ok let's go,"
The pair walked out to the jeep and Jin got into the driving seat,
"Let's gooo!" He yelled zooming out of the drive
"Gosh it got so hot ," Tae grumbled
"Well you wanted to go for a beach walk,"
"I had more of a stroll in mind than a March!" Tae whined,
"Let's go back get a drink see what the others are doing,"
They went into the house glad of the air conditioning,
passing RM who was watching a comedy on tv,Suga next to him.
"Where is everyone?"
"Jin and Jimin shopping and Hobi reading outside by the pool."
"Jimins gone out?"
"Yer, to a supermarket why?"
"Er nothing......Tae let's go play video games..."
RMs phone rang.
"Hey, you forgot something?What! Are you both ok?"
Tae and Jungkook stopped where they were.
"No, as long as security is with you....,yes come back now...,ok see you soon."
"Jin and Jimin were knocked over on their way out of the supermarket , over zealous fans,lucky security were there and got them out."
"Are they hurt?"
"Jin said a few grazes,Jimin got some bruises."
Jungkook paced back and forth,
"See I let him out of my sight and look what happens, doesn't he realise how much he worries me, that's it. I'm confining him indoors , he's making me crazy!!"
RM and Tae looked at the maknae who was now riled up.
"Who?" Whispered RM
"Jimin of course,"
"So are they an item?"
"This dumbass can't make up his mind..."
"Oh, so do we still pretend we don't know they like each other ?"
"God why don't you lot converse with each other we are not kids playing games!" Suga said loudly.
"What?" Jungkook asked
"You....,you like Jimin, he likes you but your both pretending not to be a thing while all of us can see you want to..., so just admit it!"
"You all think that we....,Jimin likes me...., are you sure?" Jungkook stuttered
""He's liked you for years!"
"He has? And it doesn't bother you all?"
"Why should. It?"
"I dunno I just didn't want to cause trouble with the group and you said Suga to think about what we were doing...?"
"Yes because Jimin is a sensitive soul who won't show when he's hurting so if it was just a game and not the real thing for you I didn't want you to hurt him!!"
"Oh...,I thought you were worried about the group I told him we should just be friends..."
"Dumbass!" Tae and Namjoon said.
"Ok, ok! I get it!"
"So you gonna make it up to him?"
"Yes,the feelings I have for him are too strong to let go but, can you lot not interfere I need to work my way up to making him feel ok..."
"Well if it makes you two happy then sure, but do it soon , Jimin will be dissecting himself to wonder what went wrong."
Suddenly Hobi came in from outside," phew it's hot, is Jin back yet?"
RM explained what had happened and they all sat waiting for them to return.
Ten minutes later the door opened, Jin and Jimin walked in followed by security who carried their shopping in then said for them to call them if needed.
"You two okay?" Hobi asked.
"God it was bedlam,Jimin keep that ice pack on your cheek.....,is there a first aid kit here?"
Hobi rushed to the bathroom to get it as Jin fussed over a quiet Jimin.
"Oh moochi your going to have a bruise there and look at your poor hand!"
"It's ok Jin ...., these will clear up...." Jimin murmured.
Jungkook squatted down in front of him.
"Let me see..."
He lifted Jimins face up and saw a swollen area in his cheek and one hand was grazed. Hobi got the first aid kit  which Jungkook opened and found some cream and antiseptic cleaning his hand up then gently brushed a thumb over his swollen cheek.
"This is going to give you a bad bruise maybe a black eye, what happened?"
"Some fans noticed us and rushed us on our way out, there were a lot I lost my footing a got pushed over and trampled on."
"Jimin you didn't tell me that have you checked your chest!"
"I will soon get your knee cleaned up it was bleeding,"
RM cleaned his friends knee up and then spoke to the others ,
"Suga can you cook today?Hobi help him, I'll wash up after,Tae let's put the shopping away.
Jin go rest up and Jungkook check Jimin out in your room."
Jimin looked confused," it's ok Jungkook I'll just do it,"
"No come on it's easier with two,"
He helped Jimin up and they went upstairs.
Jimin went to go in the bathroom but Jungkook stopped him.
"Take your shirt off..."
"It's ok I can......"
"Take it off or shall I ?"
Jimin saw the determined look on the others face and slowly lifted his shirt off.
"Fuck Jimin! There's bruises all over your back!!"
"It's ok they will go..."
Suddenly strong arms came around him, gently holding him.
"Why do you make me worry so much? I'm going to chain you to my side so you won't get hurt again!"
"That would be hard, I'm sure your next partner wouldn't like it," Jimin said in an attempt at humour even though the thought of Jungkook with someone else pained him.
"My next partner is you so you better like it ."
"W-what? You said we should go back to how it was before, you didn't want to mess up the group you...."
He was spun around and his lips claimed,  a deep almost punishing kiss given.
Jungkook pulled away and looked deeply in the others eyes.
"I talked a lot of shit before and as for the group ..., they already know about us...., RM said you like me..."
"I'm sorry Jimin but I'm not letting you go, your mine."

What lies we tellTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon