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"Your not concentrating,"
"Oh...right sorry Tae..."
"Let's get some snacks and a drink"
They went to the kitchen,raiding the cupboards,Jin wandered in dressed in his pjs.
"Oh it's you two,I'm off to bed, just need some water."
"Er what time did Hobi and jimin get back?"
"Oh those two are still out,security met them at a club they are in to drive them back as they are both drinking."
"They should be careful out on their own,"
"Don't be silly even though Jimin drove security are always there, just like when you think you've gone out on your own, dumbass."
"What?!?!" Tae and Jungkook yelled.
"Duh....., you really didn't know?"
"Damn, I thought we were being trusted adults!" Jungkook said.
"Maybe when you stop acting like kids,"
"Anyway Hobi and Jimin are enjoying themselves look at this video someone uploaded."
Jin played a video, loud music played the dance floor was packed and there were Jimin and Hobi dancing their feet off.
Jungkook stared at Jimin, sweat stuck his hair to his forehead his white shirt slightly unbuttoned half in half out of his black jeans, he looked a hot mess,grinning at Hobi, both of them laughing with the people around them, both male and female, that seemed eager to get to know them better.
Jungkook felt a flash of jealousy encompass him as he saw a male lean in to speak to Jimin as they danced.
His grip on his glass tightened and a crack was heard.
"Shit Jungkook be careful your glass is cracking!"
Jungkook looked down then rushed to the bin throwing the glass there.
"Is your hand ok?"
"Yer, it's fine, the glass must have been defective,"
"Or you don't know your own strength," Jin laughed.
Tae looked at his friend,he hadn't been in a great mood all night.
Jin went to bed and Tae cornered his friend.
"Out with it what's up?"
"Liar..., it's Jimin isn't it?"
"" Jungkook sighed." How did you know?"
"Because you have the same look on your face as he did when we changed rooms, what's going on, you like him don't you..., wait, have you two done the naughties together!!!!"
"Tae, shush!"
"Look, I like Jimin..., a lot, but what if it's not enough?"
"What do you mean...., your scared to go further?"
"Well No and yes..., we have gone further but Suga made me realise it could go wrong then where would we be, so I thought I'd stop it right where it is so no one can get hurt..."
"You did discuss this with Jimin right?"
"Fuck Jungkook after all that's happened lately, you know how sensitive Jimin is...., he probably thinks you've got what you wanted and dumped him!!"
"No....., he wouldn't would he...., shit I thought I was doing the right thing... and then seeing that video..., I'm jealous as hell of those people fawning over him!!"
"So what you saying, you don't want him but nobody else can have him?that's ridiculous !!"
"I know, it sounds stupid when you say it, I can't bare the thought of not having him...., I did wrong Tae I need to rethink my plan....!"
"No shit Sherlock , right I'm moving back to my room, come and get Jimins stuff, never let it be said I stood in your way!"
The pair sorted the rooms back the way they were and Tae put a notice on his door;
I like my room too much
You can have Jungkook
Sleep well
"Right I'm going to bed your minds not on gaming, night see ya!"
Jungkook stood by the sitting room window looking out into the night, half an hour later he saw headlights from a car coming towards the house. He ran upstairs and stripped off showering,wrapping a towel around his waist he came out to find Jimin swaying slightly as he stood just inside the door .
"Hey Jimin your back , have a good time?"
Jimin stared at him hiccuped then giggled.
"I was asked out twice...."
Jungkook poked his tongue in his cheek.
"Tae's deserted you so I'm back, I can sleep on the sofa though."
Jimin glared at him bleary eyed.
"Why? Cos you your a bastard (hic)"
"Jimin just go shower and we can talk,"
"I don't"
He stumbled to the bathroom giggling. It took him a while but he got undressed showered and cleaned his teeth. Looking around he realised he had no clothes in there. He wrapped one towel around his waist and another over his shoulders.
Opening the door quietly he saw Jungkook must have fallen asleep while waiting, his phone hung limply in his hand.
Jimin crept to the closet and found his clothes were back there so he slipped a t shirt and boxers on. He found a spare pillow and put it on the sofa. He curled up on there after turning the light out and after ten minutes was sound asleep.
Two hours passed and Jungkook awoke with a start. In the moonlight he could make out the small figure on the sofa, fidgeting in his sleep.
"You idiot you must be cold..."
He got up making his way to the small male and touching his skin which was chilled from the drop in the night temperature.
He went back to the bed pulling back the covers then as if he weighed nothing picked the small moochi up and carried him to the bed.
Jimin turned into the others bodyheat, then whimpered as he was placed on the cool side of the bed.
Jungkook quickly slid in next to him and Jimin cuddled into him a leg and arm sprawling across him .
Jungkook smiled, that was better, he held Jimin close rubbing his back gently before he too fell back to sleep.
It was seven in the morning , Jimin prised his eyes open to find himself cuddling against Jungkook.
Damn had he got up from the sofa and crawled into bed?
He turned to get out of the bed but a firm grip on his hand stopped him.
"Stop where you going?"a sleep filled voice asked.
"Erm sofa go back to sleep ,"
Instead Jungkook tugged hard pulling Jimin onto his body.
"Your staying here!"
"I'm not," Jimin wriggled trying to get away.
The next minute Jungkook had rolled them over so Jimin was underneath.
"I get it...., your pissed,I should have tried to explain,"
"Explain what how you were experimenting and I was the Guinea pig,?"
"No...!I was worried...., what is this thing between us? Neither of us have talked about it, is it going further or is it the here and now, can you say?"
"I......,I haven't thought further about it, it just sort of happened...."
"Exactly! So I didn't want us to hurt each other or wreck the group on a whim,"
"Why didn't you say this before, it hurt when you ignored me,"
"What about you...., dancing so sexily in front of others,"
"We're you jealous?"
Jungkook rolled on his back next to Jimin.
"I didn't like it...."
"And I didn't like you eagerly wanting Tae to share this room with you...."
Both sighed.
Jimin knew his feelings on the matter but could tell Jungkook was finding it hard to establish where his feelings lay.
"You want the group to stay as it is and your worried if....., we'll if we carry on like we are that it will cause friction in the group?"
"Yes...., I like you a lot obviously but can I justify putting everyone at risk?"
Jimin bit his lip inside, he knew where this was going so trying not to cry as he said it he spoke calmly,
"Your right, we can't be selfish, let's go back to a normal friendship, nobody need get hurt," he murmured.
"Great, ok we can do that, but don't doubt that I like you, your a great friend!"
Jimin gave a fake smile.
"Right I'm going to use the pool, you coming?"
"Ah..., no, I might shower then come down."
Jungkook nodded, wasting no time he got his swim shorts on washed his face and ran downstairs.
Jimin turned his face into his pillow, was that it, he'd had his moment of happiness now he had to go back to pretending nothing happened.
He felt suffocated needing to get out of the house, he washed and dressed quickly then went downstairs. He heard Rm and Jin talking in the kitchen talking.
He grabbed a glass of milk,
"I'm going for a bike ride,"
"Take your phone,"
"Do you want company?" RM asked
"Er no just going to clear the alcohol from last night out of my head, I've got my wallet and phone ok, see you."
He went out the front door to the bike shed, finding one he could ride and set off, trying to forget the misery he felt inside.

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