Eyes upon you

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"I'm going for a walk on the beach,"
Jimin told the others after he and Jungkook had cleaned up.
"Me too," Jungkook said wanting some alone Jimin time.
"I'll come," Tae said interested to see these two together.
"I'll join you," Jin said, eager to see what was going on.
Jungkook huffed but couldn't say anything.
The four made their way down to the beach, jungkook started doing handstands in the sand, Tae tried but fell over each time which sent Jimin into peals of laughter.
"Ah laugh at me moochi," Tae yelled and chased after the other.
Jungkook frowned something Jin noticed.
"Ok Jungkook?"
"Eh...,oh yer."
Jungkook watched as Tae caught Jimin and swung him around then went near the waters edge threatening to throw him in.
"No!"Jungkook shouted seeing Jimins face turn pale.
Tae stopped at Jungkooks shout then looked down realising what he had been about to do.
He let Jimin stand and began to apologise ,
"Sorry Jimin I got carried away I forgot about yesterday...."
Jimin gave a shaky smile.
"It's fine Tae,"
"No it's not! What we're you thinking Tae!" An angry Jungkook shouted.
Jungkook stood next to Jimin looking angrily at the other.
"Kookie calm down,it's a few inches of water here..." Jimin consoled the other.
"Oh yer so why are you shaking then?!?!"
"Jungkook don't make things worse...., they were both playing Tae realised what he was doing and stopped why are you getting so riled?" Jin asked
"Because........" Jungkook looked at the others, he saw worry in Jimins eyes that he would give them away and confusion in the other two pairs of eyes.
"I'm sorry I just remember trying to get Jimin back yesterday, it wasn't a nice feeling," he mumbled.
Jimin placed his hand on the others arm, thanking him silently for not blurting out the truth.
Tae and Jin watched the little interaction then changed the subject.
"Wow it's so nice here, let's sun bathe,"
Tae then Jin lay back on the sand staring up at the sky, after a few minutes Jimin and Jungkook joined them.
"Look there's not many clouds but that one looks like a face," Jimin said pointing to one.
They all spent the next twenty minutes trying to put names to the few clouds in the sky.
"Hey I think we should go, Jiminee your falling asleep!" Jungkook laughed.
They stood up and turned to walk back, jimin yawning and walking slowly.
Jungkook knelt down," come on hop on or we will never get back!"
Jimin ran up and jumped onto Jungkooks back placing his head on his shoulder and closing his eyes.
"Your the best Kookie....." he mumbled.
"Don't even think it," Tae said to a hopeful looking Jin," you can walk!"
"Look Jungkooks not grumbling at Jimin....." Jin said.
The two bickered as they all walked back, then Jungkook carried Jimin up the stairs placing the sleeping male gently on the bed and watching him snuggle into a pillow.
"Ah,Jiminee, why do you make me worry so much?"
He brushed the males soft hair then closing the door went downstairs.
He walked straight out to the pool diving in and swimming four laps before he stopped.
"Do you know what holiday means?" Suga said from  a hammock set under a shady area by the pool.
"Do you?" Jungkook retorted," it looks like your doing the same thing you normally do!"
"Hey,don't be rude brat!"
Jungkook chuckled at the other who grinned back at him.
"So did your stalkers see anything?"
"Jin and Tae..."
"Why call them that?"
"Because just like the others they are trying to see what's going on with you and Jimin..."
"Going on........, nothing." Jungkook lied.
"Sure there is...."
"I don't know what you mean...."
"Tell that to someone who had to put earphones on when you two were doing it on your balcony."
"Yer...., in future do it quietly, if you bothered to look from the outside my room is under yours, my patio doors were open."
"Oh fuck!!! Don't tell Jimin he will be mortified!"
"Of course I won't , but the others know something is going on so be careful, personally I say go for it, just don't hurt each other and make sure it's really what you want or the group could get in trouble if you fall out..., now go back to your swimming."
Suga closed his eyes and Jungkook heaved himself from the pool, the others words playing on his mind. Was this thing that he felt for Jimin worth risking the groups future? Wasn't it just a fling? Neither of them had proclaimed themselves a couple.... The more he thought of it the more he felt he should back off, he was sure Jimin would feel the same and if the others were already wondering then better to stop it right now.
He lay on the lounger to dry off.Eventually all but Jimin we're relaxing by the pool.
"Jungkook there's a games console room just past the kitchen, fancy playing tonight?"
Jimin wandered out as Tae spoke, he grinned to himself sure that Jungkook had some different games he wanted to play but......
"Sure, I'm not doing anything else, hey Jimin can you use Tae's room tonight? We are bound to go to bed late so it makes more sense for us to share tonight."
Jimin looked at the two, Tae was looking at him while Jungkook ignored him now he'd said his bit.
"Go put your bits in my room now Tae and you Jimin"
Tae jumped up eagerly, hurrying the smaller out.
"Jungkook and I can have a marathon games night!"
"Mmm hhm,"
"We can play every night we are on holiday....."
"D-do you want to swap rooms...?"
"Yer can I ? Makes sense, "
Jimin helped Tae carry his stuff upstairs, he declined Tae's offer to help him carry his stuff down. He sat on the bed in his new room. What had happened? One minute Jungkook was all over him and now......
When he got back downstairs he could hear excited chatter coming from the room past the kitchen, glancing in he saw Tae and Jungkook laughing and chatting.
He turned away, did these two really want to be together? Had Jungkook been playing him?
With his head down he smacked into someone.
"Oh sorry Jimin, I'm going to get changed, I thought I'd go into town tonight..." Hobi said.
"Want some company?I can drive the jeep."
"Sure....., your not joining Jungkook.... And Tae?"
"No..., I'm not good at games......."
"Ok then, let's get showered and changed, meet you here in thirty minutes."
Jimin nodded, going upstairs .
Jungkook was pasting a fake smile on his face as he saw Jimin and Hobi dressed to go out.
"Have fun you two,"
Jimins eyes met his, he saw confusion and sadness there and wanted to go comfort him but stopped himself. This was for the best.....wasn't it?

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