Chapter 10 - To Hell with it..

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 10 – To Hell with it..

No One's Pov.

Tori was already furious with Michelle, for calling Jade a cuntlicker. Not to mention that she had exploited Jade's drug and alcohol addiction. But when Tori heard Michelle call Jade a "Worthless whore," Tori was driven insane with rage.

Tori while holding Michelle's shirt with her left hand, swung with her right. Her father had taught, both he and her sister some basic punches and other self-defense moves. Add that to the fact, that Tori worked out on an almost daily basis. Which meant she could throw a mean punch. An instant later Tori landed a solid uppercut to Michelle's chin. The drug dealers Jaw was suddenly slammed shut and the force of the blow broke two of her teeth.

Michelle herself flew backwards and landed on the floor.

"Bitch" Screeched Tori in an utter rage.

Tori didn't give Michelle time to recover and pounced on the prone woman, an instant later. As Tori got to Michelle, she punched her once in the Jaw causing the woman to moan.

"She is" Tori yelled.

Tori then punched her in the left eye,

"Not a"

Tori punched Michelle in the nose, causing it to immediately break and begin to gush blood.

"Worthless whore!"

Tori landed two punches in rapid succession on her left eye again.

"Jade Is"

Tori threw a rather solid punch to Michelle's Jaw, finally breaking it.

"The woman"

Tori landed another one right on Michelle's cheek bone on the left side of her face.

"I love!"

Surprisingly, several people who had Michelle insult Jade actually cheered at this point.

Jade up to this point had been sitting there, very stunned. In all the years she had known Tori, she had never seen her in such an utter rage. Something in Jade's mind suddenly clicked.

"If I don't stop Tori, she's going to beat Michelle to death!"

Jade was in fact right. Tori was so consumed with hatred she didn't care about the consequences, or her career she simply wanted to destroy Michelle. The evil woman who had hurt her precious Jade.

Jade moved quickly to the fight, as the other diners backed off. By the time Jade reached Tori she had thrown 2 more punches into Michelle's very bruised and bloody face and one very solid blow to the ribcage. That blow cracked 2 of her ribs. Michelle at this point had been beaten to a senseless pulp.

"STOP!" Jade yelled as she grabbed Tori's arm as it was about to strike again.

Jade pulled Tori off of Michelle and holding Tori's wrist, quickly yanked Tori out of the restaurant.

"I could have finished her!" Tori screamed as Jade got her outside.

"We need to leave, NOW!" Jade yelled at Tori as she, pulled the Latina towards the parking lot.

Tori though still enraged, nodded and followed Jade to Tori's car. The sounds of approaching police sirens stirred both of them to move faster.

"Keys" Jade yelled as they got to the car.

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