Chapter 4 - I remember you

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 4 – I remember you.

Tori's POV

Ignoring the part of me, which wanted me to get in my Porsche and drive away very fast, I slowly entered the room. The room looked exactly as it did before. Full of people having a good time. The dance floor was packed with people dancing to the song Katy Perry Song, Hot and Cold.

I moved closer and closer to our table looking for any sign of the green-eyed demon that I loved more than life itself. I was about 25 yards away from our table when I spotted her.

She was standing by our table talking to cat. She seemed to be listening intently to something Cat was saying to her. She was wearing a beautiful black cocktail dress that flared out into a skirt and she looked more beautiful than I could ever imagined. Her hair was still black but a bit shorter than last time and had a single streak of green in her hair. She looked stunning.

I froze, completely unable to move. Paralyzed, I just starred at my former girlfriend. My brain quickly twisting itself into knots. She didn't notice me at first, but just kept talking to cat. About 30 seconds later she turned and noticed me.

I wasn't sure what was more shocking to her, me being there or that deer in the headlights look on my face. Our eyes locked. She looked just as shocked as I was.

Before I knew it, I started to run. Right out the nearest doorway, which lead to a balcony overlong the ocean. Unless I wanted to land on the rocks 30 feet below, there was no escape.

I ran to the cast iron railing and grabbed on. Almost as my life depended on it. I was beginning to panic. I was happy she was here; I was terrified she was here. My mind was going every which way. I just stared out into the blackness of the Pacific ocean, wondering what would happen next.

As my heart began to beat even faster, I gripped the railing even harder. To the point where my knuckles began to turn white. I had begun to panic.

I visibly tensed up, as I suddenly heard Jade's voice from behind me. "Tori?"

Hearing that voice, I was hit by a thousand memories and emotions. Pain, longing, despair, anger all surged through me in an instant. I briefly thought of the good times, I thought of near the end, with argument after argument. That feeling of being alone, when I was in the same room as her. It was almost too much.

I was unable to move, but I answered. My voice shook as I spoke. "Jade."

"Can I please talk to you?" She said in a slow calm, but somewhat nervous sounding voice.

"Ok" I said, nodding.

"Can you face me please? I would like to see your face."

"I'm scared Jade, I'm actually kind of panicking right now." I blurted out, my voice shaking even more.

I heard her sigh. "Are you afraid of me?" I could detect a lot of sadness in her voice as she said it.

"Yes a bit but, I'm more afraid of the whole situation. I don't know what to do or say." I said as I began to tear up.

"Please don't be afraid of me." I could hear Jade plead. "How about I talk and you listen. You don't even have to look at me." She said sounding as if she took a step closer to me.

My paralysis was totally irrational, but was very real. I had built this moment up over the last year that when it finally came, I couldn't move or think.

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