Chapter 3 - Is she there?

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 3 – Is she there?

No One's POV

Authors Note: It has been now 14 months since Jade and Tori had broken up.

No One's POV

The car was a 2014 candy apple red Porsche Carrera. Though now several years old, it had been meticulously maintained by its original owner and looked almost showroom new. At the moment it's 2nd and current owner sat in the car, which was parked in her driveway The owner, a 24-year-old pop star named Tori Vega had been sitting in the car for almost 19 minutes.

Tori glanced at the clock on the dash it was 8:03 in the evening. The 6-year class reunion of Hollywood arts class of 2013 had started just over an hour ago. Yet Tori was still sitting in her car trying to get up the courage to go.

Sitting there her phone chimed.

Tori picked up the phone and red the new text message.

From Cat: You missed dinner, please come. We all miss you.

"I'm sure there's one out there, that doesn't miss me." Tori muttered.

Tori took a deep breath and sighed. "I'll go for you Cat."

With that, Tori started her car which roared to life and started off. It was about a 20-minute drive down the coast to the sea side hotel, where the reunion was taking place. Tori rolled down the windows and the cool salty sea air flooded the interior of the car.

"Will Jade be there?" was the million-dollar question. The one that Tori had been obsessing on for the last week.

Just the word Jade, always brought back a flood of bittersweet memories for the pop star. The pale skinned goth had gone from enemy, to friend, to girlfriend, to fiancé to ex-girlfriend all in the space of 6 years.

Tori's POV

If I have one bad habit currently, it's my never-ending post mortem of our long dead relationship. I keep analyzing it, dissecting it, examining each piece carefully in hopes of determining what I could have done differently. What Jade could have done differently.

I loved her so much, but in the end our relationship smashed beyond repair. In my analysis it's about 80% her fault and 20% my fault. Thought I'm sure, Jade would reverse those numbers.

In actuality it was the booze that was at fault. Living with an alcoholic isn't easy. I constantly blame myself for giving up on Jade. I never should have.

Jade liked to drink; she always like to drink. I learned later, that both of her parents were high functioning alcoholics. We started to date in high school, halfway through our junior year. Though very different, we connected and fell in love. She didn't drink very much at first. Though as she neared the end of her junior year in college, it seemed to get much worse. I attribute it, to the death of her father in an accident and the pressure of school work.

I didn't help by ignoring the problem for a long while. It's just Jade blowing off steam or it's just Jade being Jade, would be the things I would say. I can't deny it, I served as an enabler. I also didn't help by being gone a lot. My first album was climbing the charts at the time. I should have been there for her more. Even if it meant, just taking some time listening to her talk on the phone.

I was guilty, of putting my career ahead of our relationship. Jade did a little of the same. She was starting to get small tv and movie parts. At times I felt movie parts were more important than me.

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