Chapter 2 - In the Interim

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.


Chapter 2 – In the interim

This is a chapter giving a glimpse of Jade and Tori's lives between the time of their breakup and reunion.

Munich, Germany, 5 months after Jade and Tori's breakup.

NO One's POV

The concert at Olympiahalle had gone flawlessly. After her 2nd encore, Tori Vega took a quick bow to the capacity crowd.

"Danke schoen, Ich leibe dich alle, Auf weidersehen und guten nacht." Tori said before blowing them a kiss and walking off stage.

Whichever country she was in, Tori made a point to say her final goodbye in the countries native language. Tonight, she said. "Thank you, I love you all, goodbye and good night"

The crowd roared with approval of Tori's nearly flawlessly pronunciation of German. When she was in Spanish speaking countries she would usually speak in Spanish to the audience for the entire show.

After the breakup Tori threw herself into her work and quickly scheduled a number of dates in Europe. She wanted to put her mind off of Jade and get out of town. Tori hadn't even spoken to Jade since the night of the breakup. She had also planned to use the money from this tour to buy herself a nice house on the coast. Tonight, was Munich, tomorrow she would be in Zurich.

"Great Show, Tori." Said Brian her road manager, as he handed her a towel and a bottle of water.

"Thanks, Bri" said the sweating and tired pop star.

Tori took a drink of water, wiped her forehead and headed towards the dressing room waving and smiling at the few fans who had backstage passes.

These days Tori tried to be on stage as much as possible. Not only did she love performing, but these days it was the only time she felt complete. Off stage she felt like half a person. She was slowly getting used to it, but it didn't change the fact that she hated the feeling.

After getting changed in her dressing room, she hopped in the limo to return to her lavish hotel suite. As her request, a cheese pizza and a 6 pack of bottled water and some tea was waiting for her.

As she closed the door behind her, she leaned up against it and closed her eyes. She was alone, it was quiet. These seemed to be the times, she hated the most. The suite was large and well adorned with a beautiful view of the Alps off in the distance. It was all dark now, of course it being after 11:00 At night.

Tori pulled a chair and a table up to the window. Placing her pizza, and drinks on the table and sat down. Tonight, she was alone and wanted to be alone. Though the first few cities on this tour, she decided to have some company. There were always female fans, willing to indulge her for a night. After the 4th city she stopped. It just made her feel emptier the next day. In the end, she felt like she deserved to be alone. Tori was very lonely and depressed, her times on stage her only escape.

She slowly ate her pizza in silence trying to unwind. At the same time, she gazed out the window and try to figure out what exactly when wrong. Where it all started to come apart. In those last 5 or 6 weeks, Jade had become angrier and more unstable. It had of course started to fall apart long before then.

Jade's rampant alcoholism and unresolved anger certainly were a major part of the breakup. Tori knew there was more. Tori had started to keep a journal. Where she wrote down specific instances where she should have done things differently. Times, where she made it worse. Deep down Tori thought that if she could shoulder some of the blame, Jade would seem less of the monster which she had become. She had 37 things listed so far.

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