Chapter 3 - Is she there?

Start from the beginning

After the end of my first tour, I proposed marriage to Jade. She had just graduated and I hoped that would help us. Things had been getting gradually more strained.

I was wrong. Things only seemed to go downhill from there. We began to bicker less and fight more. Jade began to drink more and more, which only made things worse. I began to resent her. I felt like the loved the bottle more than me. I went from an enabler, to some who bitterly resented her drinking.

Another one of my crimes started at this point. Being a pop star, I got a lot of attention from both male and female admirers. I was always quick to say that I was both a lesbian and in a committed relationship. Don't get me wrong, I love all my male and female fans. Once or twice at events we were at I would flirt a bit. Sometimes when someone would flirt with me, I would not shoot them down so quickly. Just in hopes of getting a reaction from Jade. She seemed to gradually withdraw from our relationship. She grew more and angrier over time. My flirting for attention, was probably one of the worst things I could do.

Our fights got worse, our planning for the wedding seemed to stop. It was such a painful time. I felt she was slipping away. Jade was gradually becoming this drunken bitter creature that I hated. I wanted old Jade back, my Jade, not what she had become.

It all cumulated in one massive, terrible fight. We had been engaged almost 6 months and tensions were at an all-time high. Jade was more and more angry, moody and sometimes just unstable. That final night, I came home after a long recording session. It was past nine in the evening when I arrived home. I had told her in advance I would be home late. She had wanted to do something with me but I had chosen to work in the studio instead. Part of me just didn't want to deal with her, which was happening more and more. She was already very drunk when I arrived home.

She tore into me for not showing her enough attention. I came back saying that I didn't want to deal with the bitter angry alcoholic she had become. I further said, why should I pay attention to that. It quickly blew up into an all-out screaming match. Not our first, but it was certainly our last.

At the height of the argument Jade struck me, cutting open my lip. I didn't even wait to see what Jade would do next, I grabbed my keys and fled our apartment. I didn't even take my phone. Wanting to keep my friends out of it, I crashed on the couch of my regular sound engineer, Mike, who was a very good friend.

I cried most of the night. Our relationship had deteriorated, finally dying with one single blow. I just gave up. The next day I returned to our apartment. Jade wasn't home. With the help of mike and a friend, I moved out. I left Jade all the furniture, electronics and appliances, taking only what I think I needed. It was the most painful thing I ever did.

I left a note on the kitchen table saying goodbye, with my keys and most importantly my engagement ring. There needed to be no question that we were done.

I also left my life with Jade behind that day. I moved into a hastily rented house. I was heartbroken. Jade left me three voice mail messages the next evening. I had turned my phone off. The first was Jade pleading me to come back sounding sober. The second one a few hours later, was an angry and drunk Jade demanding to come back. The third one, a couple of hours after that was an extremely drunk jade telling me to fuck off and how much she hated me.

There is of course more to the story but that's the gist of it. Jade and I had officially broken up. After that Jade dropped out of sight. A month after our breakup I found out that Jade had moved out and didn't leave a forwarding address.

Cat, Beck and the rest of my friends heard nothing from her. All forms of communication went silent. From what I heard, she stopped auditioning for movie and TV parts.

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