18: this isn't what it looks like

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"ok, guys! what should we do first?" nicole squealed, excitedly.

like jobe had suggested, we were all at the mall, clearing our heads from stupid guys - jobe's a boy, but i can forgive him for it.

and bukayo was with us, too, but that didn't matter - they're still two of my best friends, at the moment.

"i want them donuts in me." adora groaned, dramatically reaching her arm out, like an action movie. i giggled at her.

jobe playfully rolled his eyes, "of course you want to eat, fatty." he scoffed, earning a harsh shove from the girl.

as we approached the krispy kreme, i thought i noticed a familiar face; the same angular jawline, prominant cheekbones and caramel skin tone.


we continued to walk, yet my gaze remained fixed to him... i wanted to know what he was up to, in the least stalkerish way possible. out of nowhere, a bright gleam of blonde hair, shined under the lights of the mall.

was that... vanessa? within seconds, my mind was made up

i hate jude bellingham.

kayo noticed how tense i had become, and stared worridly at me, "rei, are you alright?" he muttured, aware that i might not want the others to hear

i nodded, without uttering a word. nicki and ada were already ordering donuts in front of us, i walked up closer.

"oh, rei rei! what do you want, bae?" nicole asked, beaming at me.

it was like pulling the jenga piece that caused the colapse: i began to cry, right there in the krispy kreme. the employee seemed concerned on my behalf.

"baby girl, what's wrong?" ada tried to comfort me, she wiped my rolling tears.

"it's jude - he's with vanessa." i managed to respond, covering my face in shame.

"wait what? y'know if it's on insta, she's probably faking." nicole reassured me.

"yeah, it's probs an old photo." bukayo agreed.
i shook my head.

"no, no, you don't understand. they're here, together at mcdonald's. and he was making her laugh." i whined, switching back into crybaby mode.

i noticed jobe purse his lips, but he didnt say anything. he rubbed my back, affectionately.

"hey look, i don't know you," the krispy kreme employee started, "but i'll kindly beat the ass of whichever boy hurt you like this." she joked.

i smiled, weak from sobbing, "thank you." i whispered.


the last hour was spent on awkward, meaningless conversation and empty laughs. i tried to giggle at his words, but he showed zero interest. i even exaggerated how funny his sarcastic jokes were, and made myself a laughing idiot.


"the total will be £15, please." the cashier informed us, lifelessly. i would sound lifeless too if i worked at mcdonald's. my dad has a really successful business though, so thank GOD for nepotism.

"i'll pay." jude offered, digging his hand into his pocket. gently, i placed my hand on his.

he kinda flinched, but i guess he was just nervous to touch me because of his feelings for me.

"no, it's ok," i refused, "i'll pay, my love."

"cool." he shrugged, rubbing his neck.

i'll admit, i was kinda taken aback by the lack of care - aren't you supposed to argue back and forth until someone (the guy) eventually gives in? jeez, jude.

"o...k then." i nervously croaked, reaching for my wallet.

my stomach churned at the sight in the corner of my eye; reina and her annoying friends had just strolled into the mcdonald's, reina's eyes wet with tears. the footballer one was there with them too, he was kinda cute - he would have potential if he didnt hang out with them.

why was she so obsessed with us?

"jude! let's go over there." i quickly suggested, pointing at a table on the other side of the room. but i was too late, he had seen reina, and reina had seen us.

"jude, what the hell?" one of reina's friends yelled, but i wasn't quite sure of her name. the girl in question crossed her arms over her lower torso.

"now, this isn't what it looks like." said jude, anxiously. he slowly approached reina, but she fiercly backed away. what a drama queen.

"it looks like a date from where i'm standing." she snarked, quriking her eyebrows.

"then stand somewhere else?" i interjected.

"stay out of it." both the bellingham brother's snapped at me. my mouth closed as i stared at the two with concern.

"why do you keep leading me on, jude? if you still had feelings for your ex, you shoulda just told me. you wasted my time."

jude drew a sharp breath, "reina, i want you so badly." he spoke.

i felt my heart sink; why was he lying to this poor girl.

"look at where you are, jude. hanging out with his wannabe - it's obvious where you stand." reina's other friend said.

i'm just glad we were in a corner, and the mcdonald's was particarly empty today because this coulda been way more awkward.

"you're right, maybe i should stand somewhere else." he walked over to reina, who reluctantly glanced up at him. his pearls smiled at her, while my eyes brewed with betrayed tears.

"why'd you come on this date then? what was the point - and making me pay?" i spat, angrily.

"you offered, may i remind you, and this is not a date; please let that sink in." he retorted, noncholantly.

"uhm, is the food already ordered cuz-" jobe asked. the footballer one, bukayo i think, shut him up.

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