3: lenger

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"ACTUALLY DELETE THAT." reina screamed, after being horrified with an old picture of her from year 9. she covered her face, embarrassed.

"It's actually not that bad, mate." adora giggled, stubbornly refusing to delete the picture. a loud groan escaped the young girl's lips.

"can you man shut up, PLEASE." nicole sighed, rolling her chocolate coloured eyes. her brows furrowed as she read something on her phone. "wait, guys, look at this."

reina slowly jogged up to where her older friend was sitting, adora following closely behind.

"what is it, mama?" adora inquired, slightly quirking her head to the side.

"jude bellingham ex girlfriend apparently wants him back; litch just saw it on insta." nicole explained, concern filling her tone.

reina instantly fell quiet, her two friends glanced nervously at her, awaiting her reply, "oh, well that's peak, isnt it?" she chuckled, turning away.

"are you not phased?" nicole smirked. she knew her best friend; when she was hungry, mad, upset, or acting like she didn't care, when she obviously did.

"you know damn well." adora snickered, jumping onto the couch.

"abeg, don't be jumping like that - do you wanna pay for my new couch?" nicole scolded, causing adora to shake her head solemnly.

"anyway, i don't give a damn about any white, blonde ex of jude's. as far as i'm concerned, jude don't want her!" reina laughed, clapping her hands triumphantly.

her friends cheered and hollered.

"omg, this freak commented on your insta, babe. " adora gasped, showing reina the comments made by jude's previous girlfriend.

"she is so delusional." nicole rolled her eyes, once again. "we need to call the others to tell them."

a few minutes later, ami and malika answered the call.

"WHAT'S UP, MONKEYS." malika screamed down the phone, putting her forehead in the camera.

"MOVE YOUR BIG ASS FOREHEAD." adora joked, poking her tongue out at the girl.

"jude's moldy old girlfriend is commenting on my posts." reina informed them, flicking her hair in a sassy manner.

"is she ugly?" ami croaked - her voice was still hoarse as she had just woken up from a nap.

"she's actually really pretty - i'm not gonna hate on her cuz she dated jude... it's all jokes." she replied, adora nodding.

"but like, why's she commenting on you're posts, now that jude interacts with you? bit coincidental , no?" malika reasoned, resulting in a giant ' HMMM' from the friend group.

"begging it, if you ask me." ami admitted, tiredly running her eye. the rest of the girls agreed.

" let's just see. " reina hummed.

CAPTION: just enjoying innit 🙌

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CAPTION: just enjoying innit 🙌

judebellingham: without me? fake. 😕

^ reina.carmen: NO MORE AUTO CAPS! 😋

ada.obi1: PIC CREDS. 😮😮

^ reina.carmen: AUNTY ADORA 😉

amijbrown_e: YOU'RE SO FINE

^ reina.carmen: GOT IT FROM U 💋

malika_carmenn: COUSIN 😊

^ reina.carmen: HOLLER 🙈🙈

bukayosaka: just be chopping life 🙌

^ reina.carmen: WHAT A LEGE!!✊✊

jobebellingham: LENGER 😍😍

^ reina.carmen: OMDS JOBE 🙈💋


^ reina.carmen: YOU TOO, ANGELLL 🙌💋

user2: omg is she dating jude now?

^ user3: i think 😭😭

vanessaaharris_7: ur so cuteeee

^ reina.carmen: you babe ! 💟

user4: not nessa being here.

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