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thank you for sticking with me to the end <3


LOCATION: New York, New York
DESTINATION: New Beginnings.

Today of all days just made sense, even the universe knew it, sending me a sign that everything will be grand and more. The sign is the sun that peeked brightly through a parting in Anna's curtains, touching her warm skin and my cheek as I rested my face on her shoulder.

I placed a kiss on her shoulder, a small hum coming from her as she shifted from her previous position on her side to face me, stuffing her face in my chest.

"Morning baby".

"Too bright", she mumbled, I laughed stroking the back of her head.

"The sun or you?", I ask her, to which she responds by pulling away from my chest and looking at me with her tired brown eyes.

"Take a guess".

"I guess it's time to pick up Roxy from Janet's house".

We got in late last night, past all of our bedtimes. Anna and I decided to just get Roxy in the morning, that way we'd be somewhat well rested.

"Just 20 more minutes", Anna says, looking at me as I smile. I pull her closer to me, my arm draping over her waist.

"I agree".

Our sleeping routine is much different away from home and on tour. Usually I would be the one hiding my face in Anna's neck as she ran her hand up and down my back with slow tenderness, soothing me.

Here together, it's quite the opposite, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Now I get to be the one to hold her until we both fall back asleep. Well, mostly Anna, a small nervous pit grew in my stomach as I watched her slowly breathe.

My own breathing pattern escaping me. I kissed the top of Anna's head as my phone pinged, without as much shifting as possible I managed to grab my phone from the bedside table and opened the messaged from Janet.

J :)
Roxy's all ready to go home!
I think she liked it here.

We'll be heading out in
about 30 minutes or so.
Thank you again..for everything.

Anything for my Robin and
the gentleman whisking her away
like a fairy tale.
We'll Talk more when you get here,

I sent a thumbs up to Janet, smiling at the picture she sent of Roxy on her couch with a happy tail wag and a little pink sweater. When Anna eventually woke up, I showed her the picture and she immediately began to get ready.

Roxy holds such a big place in our hearts. I rather think she completes our small family of 3.

Those next 20 minutes go by, Anna grumbling as I pepper kisses on her face. We did our usual morning routine, getting freshened up and eating a quick snack before leaving to pick up Roxy.

Anna couldn't wait to get her, hence why she insisted we go eat breakfast out somewhere after picking up Roxy and I quickly grab a granola bar from the cabinet.

"Whatever your heart desires darling", I kissed her forehead, her cheeks turning that pink shade I love so much.

I watch Anna as she slips on a pair of shoes as she wears my hoodie with the words pleasing printed across the front and a pair of her sweatpants. My heart practically beating faster each minute I look at her.

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