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Christmas Day.

The time was around eight in the morning when my body decided to wake up, the bags under my eyes prominent more than ever due to my restless night. I just laid in bed, dozing off starting blankly at the white ceiling, my mind refusing to fall back asleep for a couple hours regardless of how heavy my eyelids felt.

Sluggish, I walk into the bathroom, I notice the familiar scent of coconut lime from my long shower had wore off throughout the night as I stare at my tired reflection, Colgate toothpaste dripping from my chin. Patting my face dry from the cleanser, I applied the moisturizer gently over my skin taking one last look at myself before leaving the bathroom and slipping my prescription glasses on. Opening a drawer I grabbed a pair of lavender colored fuzzy socks and slipped them on, hardwood floor would always be the superior interior choice except for when the winter seasons arrived.

Before leaving the room I looked down at the corner of the bedroom entrance, next to the medium sized table I placed in my room, I'm left confused. I've kept my wrapped Christmas presents to give out here the past few days and now they're gone.

Here's the famous saying we all love, they couldn't have just grown legs and walked away.

I came to the conclusion that my gifts are definitely within my apartment somewhere and I might've just placed them downstairs last night, I suffered from sleep deprivation due to work, I could hardly remember much of anything that happened yesterday night between the hours of midnight and the time I woke up.

Shrugging it off I made my way down the stairs. Fortunately for the years I've lived here none of steps of have ever squeaked, I would end up skipping a couple if they did, especially since all that filled the vicinity was silence and the occasional movie.

Squeaky steps just resembled horror movies to me, and as much as I enjoyed watching them, I could never live in one.

Walking past the couch and living room I rubbed my eyes, a little too hard that I started seeing a galaxy temporarily impairing my vision from seeing the living room. I heard a noise, but just assumed it was from outside. My vision had cleared up, the stars disappearing revealing my small kitchen, I haven't cooked much in it, but enjoyed the moments when I did.

Grabbing needed ingredients from the fridge and pantry I began whisking together eggs, cinnamon, sugar, and milk for French toast. I buttered the heated pan after slicing the grained bread into rectangular pieces, I found them much easier to eat that way and I was able to make them crunchy on all sides.

I stood, my lower back resting against the counter as I aimlessly scrolled through my phone. I don't use social media consistently I kept the apps on my phone to like pictures or look at things that peaked my interest. Over these past few weeks I've strictly just kept away from news media that covered any sort of celebrity ever since seeing a blurred version of myself on a couple pages.

You never think about how infuriating and troublesome a handful of people with cameras are for a job until you're put into that position and all you're trying to do is something as simple as walking into a grocery store.

The white plate I set down next to the stove was now being stacked with French toast as I placed them down with a pair of a pale blue tongs I had. Mixing another bowl of eggs, cinnamon, and all the other things that went into French toast I redid the routine, letting the French toast cook.

I sighed leaning my hands against the counter, my mind was scrambled with yesterday night. I was in such a haze that it felt like a blur, not alcohol induced I swear. All I can vaguely remember is falling asleep after watching a movie on the couch after a call and a plate of apple pie then waking up this morning after having the weirdest dream.

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