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*cough* hey guys...
yeah sorry for my inconsistent updates, life gets so busy and i get tired. thank you for reading and enjoying if you do. i appreciate you all.

excuse any misspelling and grammatical errors, i am practically falling asleep.


LOCATION: New York, New York


"do you haaave to go tomorrow", I draped my arms around Harry's neck, my neck straining as I looked up at him. He chuckled, kissing along my forearm, "tell that to all the people who bought tickets for the rest of the tour".

I groaned against his chest. I'm going to miss Harry. I will miss him when he leaves tomorrow, and I will miss him when I leave to Los Angeles and have to get all dressed up wishing he could be there to see me.

"Can I take you on a date?", I asked him, he pulls away from me so quick I almost fall. "Aren't I supposed to be asking you that miss?".

"Well yes, but figured since you're leaving we could have a date of some sort. It doesn't have to be anywhere super public", I leaned against the kitchen counter, filtering out our options of restaurants and parks for a picnic, it wasn't completely warm in New York, but just enough to lessen the layering.

"Then yes, always yes miss Safstrom. Anything I need?".

"Perhaps your nicest of whatever you packed", his thumb and pointer finger held my chin tilting my face up to his, he smiled in our kiss.

"Of course darling".

Harry and I went out for breakfast, as far as I know not being photographed by anyone, but his green eyes are pretty keen on finding any sort of camera. It must be his seventh sense, his sixth being catching mostly, if almost, anything he is thrown onstage.

Glasses, stuffed animals, flowers, you name it.

The sun poked out today, the outdoor dining of a near breakfast restaurant open. We decided we could get our steps in along with Roxy and her pink harness.

Roxy and Harry have grown quite the attachment to one another, so much so he even asked me if it would be alright if she could become a tour dog, I of course would have said yes, but considering Roxy belongs to Ernie and is his living relic of Lilith's, Ernie said no and that handing me over to Harry is enough letting go of personal things for him.

Deciding I would go back to work once Harry leaves, I wouldn't find myself back at the apartment as often as I would have liked, but I could now check in with Ernie most days.

Our morning mostly consisted of coming back to the apartment and going through the process of our food induced coma on the couch, Harry slept like a baby with Roxy by his head atop the ledge of the couch.

My phone buzzed with a notification and I slipped on my clogs that Harry had admitted to using the first couple days back. I pulled the blanket Harry and I were sharing higher up his arms and along his legs, quietly I grabbed a jacket, my apartment key, and my wallet, heading out with an errand to run.

The sun warmed the apples of my cheeks as I walked down the street. Noon has always been the time of day I've realized that the parks are more populated, much more by smaller children or older couples. I smile walking by the fence which guards the cities flowers, gazing across the park and the flowers all my head traces back to is Harry and how great it would be if we joined the park at its noon.

I have walked this same park sidewalk for so many years now, never once has the thought of being here with another person crossed my mind, especially with the lingering feeling of longing them. I used to feel so lonely, I would look around and see the population of other people going about their day and wondered why I didn't have someone to sit and talk on the bench with me or roll out a picnic blanket.

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