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LOCATION: Basel, Switzerland


It was difficult enough choosing a song I liked more, but they only kept progressively getting better as the night went on, as the crowd roared. Harry owned the stage, and frankly everyone in the entire arena. I swear Harry Styles is his real name, his mother must be pretty impressed with herself to have birthed and named a star who didn't need a stage name.

Harry moved all along the stage, dancing and filled to the brim, possibly overflowing with excitement and jubilance, he is in his element. He became this moving picture, artwork I could admire forever.

I swayed along to his voice, a smile on my face as I saw the happiness Harry so generously gave to the people in the vicinity, he glowed. I stayed put right behind the beginning of the pit, everyone on the floor standing before me, happy and dressed in outfits they made or chose. Boas seemed to be a popular item amongst the audience.

They all looked beautiful.

I have seen Harry almost every day for the past month and I am blown away by his performance, I couldn't imagine just seeing him for a night for the first time, in the flesh, frolicking about, his voice sounding surreal. Just for a night knowing he is real.

The beginning of the show started off with an echo of a voice that vibrated all along the walls of the vicinity.

I saw this angel, I really saw an angel

Chords continued, a light shining brightly honing in on Harry as he spoke into the microphone, "let's raise our hands if we have all seen an angel tonight", hands and polished nails went up simultaneously, screams erupting as a result of Harry's words, along with this ringed clad hand having been raised in the air, his eyes searching for me.

He mouthed something

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He mouthed something.

Found you.

And so the show continues, songs I learned the lyrics to on my own time playing, sounding all much more profound, note changes making them even a bit more special live.

Harry noticed me singing along, he looked surprised. I would never mention to Harry that on days when he wasn't around or sitting on my couch, I would play his songs, cooking and acting as if the kitchen had become a dance floor. Eventually, the words to his music were like an innate response for me to sing as the chords began to strum.

It only made sense for me to know the songs if I were going to be here.

"Alright this next bit is not on the album, everyone stay where you are", he scanned the entirety of the arena, observing the people around him, "hey you...in the pink hat, back to your seat", he pointed at the man who only laughed, elated with the fact that Harry had pointed at him.

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