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DESTINATION: i want to go back.

The plane lands, Portuguese being said through the intercom, some words flying over my head. Notifications light up my phone as I take it off airplane mode.

As the doors open the humid weather fills the vicinity, I remove my sweater and lay it atop my carry on. The line of people in the plane begins to move, soon enough I'm out of the plane and am met with two security guards guiding me through the airport that is all new to me.

I can tell I'm near the exit as flashes become more blinding and my name is being shouted from all different directions. Sliding glasses over my face, my eyes dart over the exit looking for Jeff, I quickly relax seeing him leaning against the car, but my body becomes rigid as the red lip stained, blonde woman stands beside him.

A smirk on her face, the icy blue in her eyes filled with mischief.

This cannot be good.

Jeff opens the door, sliding in with my carry on, I follow after him, Camille coming in and sitting right next to me, her hand on my arm. She is ice. I remove her hand and she pops her gum and looks away, rolling down the window with a smile and hand wave to the crowd.

I reach over her with a smile as the window still stays down, the last camera flash catching this moment before the tinted window comes up and I look at Jeff and Camille.

"What the fuck are you doing here Camille?".

"I'm coming on tour with you baby", she turns my head with a hand on my clenched jaw, I remove her hand from touching me. All permanent petal touches of my flower falling.

"No, no. This is not happening", taking a breath i turn to Jeff who scratches his head, a stressful habit of his.


"Jeff, why?".

"She showed up the other day with a whole file of Robin. Everything. I couldn't do that to you Harry, I couldn't do it to Robin".

It was only hours ago when leaving Anna felt like the worst thing in world. Destroying her own world now felt like mine is ending.

"You can't do this Camile", I expressed, looking straight ahead. She looked at her nails and tilted her head, "oh honey, I'm sure doctor Anna can fix your broken heart", she sighed.

Anna. The name leaving her lips felt poisonous, it wasn't for her, it isn't for anyone. Just me. In this moment, part of her already felt lost from my grip. It is all happening too fast.

We reach the hotel, the only positive part of the trip so far is being surprised with Mitch and a meal in my room. Camile must have so graciously wanted to give me a room to myself, what more could I ask.

Venting to Mitch only raises my stress levels, his expression is worried as I continue talking, the only solution I didn't think of was the one he put out.

"Why don't you just call her and explain what's going on? I mean you went to breakfast last time with her, explained what happened when you got back and you guys are fine", he shrugged, taking a sip of orange juice.

"You're right", quickly I grab my phone from my pocket and tap on Anna's name, i gnaw at my lip as I wait for her to accept my FaceTime. The phone rings for a bit before she answers with a smile, sporting her doctor coat and blue scrubs, her hair braided away from her face. No clip.

"Hi", she waves, and I miss her, "I was hoping sooner or later you would realize that there isn't much of a time difference", she laughs at her own words staring at her watch.

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