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I am not a God. But My time as a devil, there's a role I have came to understand. Our race has made unfathomable sacrifices........And demanded Far greater ones from Countless others. I have never taken pleasure choosing who lives or who dies.....But I have come to accept it as A part of existence Cycle. That cycle is about to be broken. And when the natural order of things is shattered.....Chaos Will Reign Supreme....

My Great Grandfather, The devil, was nothing but a force of Nature, he was there to Rival The heaven ruler and torturing those who Fall into 7 deadly sins. This nature was in every Devil king from different Religions or Folk Tales. But Amatsu Mikaboshi, The Chaos King, even being a classified as 'devil' by Shinto Gods is Entire Something else. His very existence blatantly defies the Laws of the Existence itself. He will not stop until all of reality is consumed. He is the end of all that is. Entropy. Oblivion. Darkness.

Several Voices in my Head, cries of People who I have Lost
Are growing Louder and Louder, telling me to Wake up.


Vali: AAUGH!

Vali Woke up, Breathing heavily as he looked Around to see nothing but surrounded by Darkness.

Vali: 'This is Something'

Then his eyes Laid down, he saw Issei, Kiba and Azazel who were Unconscious at the moment. Vali then Got up began to Wake up Others.


As He shouted louder, The men Slowly Opened their Eyes.


Kiba: Same here.

Both Issei and Kiba were their heads while Waking up.

Azazel: Oh look, I am Alive.

Vali: Glad you all aren't Dead. Yet.

Issei: Where are we?

Vali: Darkness.

Issei: Oh man How did we Get here?

Vali: we were about to be teleported back to earth by Ophis but Due to chaos king's interference, he disrupted us in mid transit.

Azazel: It looks like we are in some kind Tunnel between realities. We just need to find a way to get out of here.

Issei: How long will that take?

Azazel: How would I know? Maybe centuries, eons or Never. I have never been in this kind of situation.

???: Glad.....someone Is.......finally here.....

As the Men Heard a Voice, they quickly Turned towards The direction only to find a shinto God of Rice and Messager, Inari Okami.

Azazel: Oh hey, it's God of Rice and Messager, Inari Okami. What Are you doing here?

Inari: Delivering an Important message......To my Brethren.......But my Cousin Mikaboshi.....Made travels were.....cut short....

Vali: A message? From who--

Inari: My Mistress Amaterasu......Of the kami....Of Gods of the far east. As long as her Light still shines.....there is ye hope.

Issei: But she--

Vali: Of Course there is.

Vali Interrupted Issei from telling the truth to the old man. Issei Was Confused but Azazel shook his head to Issei, telling him don't.

Inari: Now.......You must finish your journey......Join the Kami underworld Residents......FOR ONE FINAL BATTLE!

Inari even being weak, used his small amount of power to summon a white glowing Fox.

The Chaos War (Male Chaos King reader X High school dxd)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें