Scared? Don't Be

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It was a new day. Grayfia Called Everyone To the dinning table as Breakfast Served for them. All of them came, Except one. Y/N was Still in his room, staring at the window and seeing the view outside. At the dining table everyone was Present, eating their food till Rias Noticed Y/N's absence.

Rias: Where is Y/N? He hasn't came to the Dining table yet.

Issei: I will go Look for him.

Rias: Alright, Just Don't take too long.

Issei nodded and Went to Check for Y/N. He knocked on his room's Door.

Issei: HEY Y/N! Are you there? Breakfast is ready, everyone is waiting for You.

"Y/N": I am.......coming in just a Minute.

Issei: OK just Come fast. We are waiting for you.

After some time Y/N came to the dining table. Rias began to Question Y/N late Arrival to the Table.

Rias: SO what is the Reason you took so long?

Y/N: Nothing much, I just woke up late.

Y/N then Began to Eat His food. After some time, everyone finished their Breakfast then Rias began to Speak.

Rias: Alright Everyone, let's Go outside for some Training.

Issei: Training? Really, C'mon.

Rias: Now Issei, you don't want to test your limits? I want to see How Strong your Balance Breaker has become. Plus I would Like to see how strong Y/N really is.

Issei: *sigh* Fine. So I am going against Y/N?

Rias: Correct. So Y/N you ready?

Y/N didn't answered, which Made Rias curious.

Rias: Hey Y/N. You OK?

Y/N: ...........Yeah......I am......fine

Rias: Alright so You ready to fight Issei?

Y/N: Maybe

Rias: Ok Then, let's Start our training.

Issei Activated his Balance Breaker and Began to attack first. Y/N stayed still, didn't move. As Issei Tried to Land his First Punch Y/N Stopped it with his one hand. This Surprised Everyone present in the Training ground. Y/N Punched Issei in the Chest, Sending him aFar.

Rias: You are Quite Strong. You didn't even activated your balance Breaker.

Y/N: ........I don't have a Balance Breaker.

This Surprised Rias, she tried began to Question Y/N more but Issei suddenly appeared out of nowhere and Punched Y/N in the face.

Issei: Maybe you should Focus more on your Surroundings.

Y/N then shot a Fireball Blast to which Issei easily Dodged it and used Dragon Shot on him. Y/N raised his hand and created a Barrier which easily Deflected Issei's attack.

Issei: How?

Y/N: I am getting bored of this.

Issei: You don't want to fight anymore?

Y/N: No.

As Y/N answered, He left the training Ground.

Issei: C'mon I wanted to see your Full Potential.

Y/N: Trust me, You will.

As Y/N continued to Walk, Rias Appeared in front of him.

Rias: Y/N what happened? You suddenly Left the Training Ground.

The Chaos War (Male Chaos King reader X High school dxd)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें