9- A Cold Omen

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Snow drops lightly through the slate sky as you exit the pass, the furious winds from before left behind at the mountain peaks.  Instead of ice, mud tugs at your shoes and threatens to send you sliding.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

You track his reaction even as he releases yet another exasperated sigh at the oft repeated question.  His footsteps stop dead.

"Y/n, have I ever given you a reason to doubt me?" he demands, the edges of his mouth faintly upturned.

"No.  Not yet."

"Not ever.  And the ninja are already busy with our mysterious, destructive 'friends' in the shadows, so why not give them a hand elsewhere?"

You shrug unconvincingly.  "I guess."

Before he can reply, you walk past, eyes deliberately on the slippery path ahead.  The scenery continues to melt away into a different setting, literally and metaphorically.  After the brief section of sludge, the hills below are bright green and every piece of flora and fauna shivers with life, not deadened cold. 

A small clump of snow drops across your neck and you shriek, immediately retracting pleasant thoughts of summery weather to shout at the wintry cold still hidden in the trees.  Your tirade ceases when you notice Morro's muffled laughter, and you take a closer look at the boughs above.  And there, directly above, not a single snowflake in sight.

Wind rushes through your hair and you think to duck out of the way before the next snowball hits you.

"Hey!  What do you think you're—"


Another hit, and his laughter bursts free, light and contagious despite your burning irritation.  Unfortunately, the return shot flies right through him, causing him to flinch but lacking the effect it would have had on someone more solid.

"Ow!  Careful, that stung."  At your puzzled expression, he continues with a heavy sigh.  "Ghosts can't touch water, it's like the equivalent of a mortal body touching fire or being boiled.  Soooo, I would really appreciate it if you would refrain from throwing more slush at me."

"Sorry," you say, unsure of how else to respond.  You stare at the ground, hoping to melt into the sludge to escape the burning sensation across your face and ears.

Great going, making a mess out of everything as usual.  Now you've actually hurt someone... and of all people you've managed to harm a ghost...

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it would hurt you, especially that badly."

Morro studies you for a few seconds before shrugging, perhaps assuring himself of the honesty in your words.  "It's nothing."  A grin returns to his face.  "That just means you can't return fire."

"Oh, well that's real fair."

"So much for being rushed for time.  You sure seem to enjoy wasting it."

A splutter breaks through with those words.  "You started it!  You seem to have a knack for starting things..."

Morro pauses, obviously struggling with whether or not to respond.  "Unless you want Ninjago to face an even bigger threat than myself, I suggest we keep moving.  It's better that we split up for now, but the ninja might need us later.  And I hope you're right about where you recognize that writing, I highly doubt whatever curse is being brought to light is one that will resolve itself."

You sigh, quickening your pace nonetheless, and desperately hope the same.


"We're almost there."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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Kismet Tempest: Morro x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ