Chapter 26

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For the past few hours you tossed and turned trying to sleep but it was so impossible.
You shifted again and we're now facing Pietro. His calm, sleeping face made you smile.
You touched his cheek softly and he sighed with content.

His eyes slowly opened." Hello Mrs. Maximoff." He said in the most adorable sleep voice."What time is it?" He yawned out.

"I dunno. 2am?"
"How long have you been up?"

"I never went to sleep." You confessed.

"But you did your cute little snore."

" I was just pretending so you'd sleep. You have a big day ahead of you and I wanted to make sure you were well rested."

"Baby." He caressed your cheek."Why haven't you slept?"

"I'm scared." You choked out.

"Scared? Why princess?" He questioned.

"You're leaving. You could get hurt on this mission or kidnapped or lost or die. I can't live without you. I don't want to."

"You won't have to." He kissed your tears away." Nothing is going to happen to me. I can't guarantee i won't get hurt. But I won't get kidnapped,lost or killed. Charles is an amazing teacher and we will be going with some very intelligent and powerful mutants. You don't have to worry."

You nodded. "Okay. I trust you. I wish I could come but someone has to move our stuff into our house."

He laughed,"Oh please I wouldn't even let you come. I would never allow you to be in danger. Ever."

You gasped," But what if I really wanted to go."

He shook his head.

"What if I begged you?"

He shook his head.

"What if I did this?" You pouted and batted your lashes.

"Ha! Cute but no." He said kissing your nose. "Can we sleep now babe?"

You nodded and cuddled into his chest and fell asleep.

The following weeks were hard without Pietro. You missed him and worried more with each passing day.

He called almost every day and you two texted constantly.
One day he came for a few hours and you two cuddled all night and said how much you missed each other.
Eventually he had to leave again and it hurt to see him go but at least you knew that he was okay.

You we're halfway through moving things into you and Pietro's new house when there was a knock on the door.

You opened the door and saw Erik standing there with a gift wrapped bottle. You cocked your head and smiled at him.

"Hi. Um Pietro said you'd be here moving in." He explained.

You threw your arms around him in a tight hug.

"I've missed you so much Erik." You said and pulled away and slapped his arm" Don't you ever leave me like that again!"
He nodded,"I won't. I was miserable without you. I realize that we can never be together and I'm okay with that. I love you like a friend. A best friend and I missed you terribly."

You smiled and stepped to the side,"Come in come in!"

He raised his hand and lifted a hidden duffle bag.

You laughed slightly."Are you staying?"

He smiled,"yes I am. I'll be in the guest room. Pietro didn't want you to be alone for so long and he thought you'd need help moving in."

"Ah. So you're my babysitter now?" You said jokingly.

"Of course."

"Alright that's fine as long as you bring me food. The fridge isn't set up yet so I've been dying in here."

"When was the last time you ate?"
"30 minutes ago."

"And you're dying?"

"Yes!" You shouted "Chinese food?" You asked grabbing the phone.

"Yes please."

Later that night you were laying in bed feeling a bit uneasy.

You shot up and ran to the bathroom and got sick everywhere.

Erik was in there in seconds holding your hair back.

"Are you okay?" He asked as you washed your face.

"Yeah. I think. I feel really nauseous. It must've been all the food I ate today. I wanna lay down."

Erik carried you to your bed and gently laid you down."Liliana. Um. Do you think it may be possible that you're pregnant?"
You furrowed your brows,"I mean. Maybe. I don't know. I do feel a bit strange. It's possible."

"Will you be fine for a few minutes while I run to the store for a pregnancy test?"
You nodded.

"Okay." He said."I'll be back as soon as I can." He headed out the door.
You threw up a few more times before Erik came back.

"Here you go." He handed you the box, holding on to your hand."I'll be right here waiting for you."

You nodded silently and went into the bathroom and followed the instructions on the box.

A few minutes later you open the door to let Erik in." You look. I'm too nervous."
He came in and looked at the little stick before giving you an unreadable look.

A/N clifffhangerrrr I'm bad I know. Hope you like it thought. Don't forget to vote,share,follow,message, and comment. Thank you lovelies.

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