episode sembilan | bahagian tiga + episode sepuluh (SHORT CHAPTER)

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Laila and Ayam laugh joyfully in the hospital, in Laila's room. Ayam's phone rang, stopping the two from laughing any longer. Ayam takes his phone out of his pocket and answers it, and it is silent for a few minutes until he jolts up from the chair, causing it to fall to the ground.

"Ya Allah, Fakhri. Naim." Said Ayam as he stared at Laila in horror.

Ending the call, Ayam tells Laila all that he knew from Prakash. From the school glooming without any information about Laila's condition to Naim and Fakhri's manifesto in the forest.

"Wei, seriouslah?" Laila questioned Ayam.

The two sneak out of the hospital without getting caught by the security and nurses, looking left and right; they spot Prakash's father by the luxury car beside the old man. Lowering Laila's head with a hood, the two make their way toward the car and quickly enter it as the old man opens the door.

"Uncle, cepat uncle." Urge Laila as Prakash's father started the engine and drove away from the hospital toward Kudrat; throughout the whole ride, Laila couldn't help but grow nervous. Her hand shook, and her breath got harder.

"Ayam, aku takut." Whispered Laila to Ayam as they reach the school.

When the car stopped, Laila was the first to rush out of the car and toward the forest. Her wound started to reopen as she ran wildly without looking at her surrounding, she tripped and wounded her knees, yet she ignored the pain and went toward the middle of the campsite.

"SUDAH!" screamed Laila, earning everyone's attention but the two brothers. She watched as Naim repeatedly punched and kicking Fakhri until the younger snapped and punched Naim on the muddy ground.

"Semua salah aku," She listened to Fakhri confessing to all his wrongs as he continued punching Naim; her eyes widened when Naim didn't respond to his punch. Slipping past two students, Laila quickly wrapped her arms around her brother, yet she was thrown back, making her fall to the muddy ground.

Kahar quickly approached Fakhri and threw him away from on top of Naim. Laila crawls toward Naim as she watches Kahar trying to wake him up, her breath pitching, 'Naim, bangun Naim." Begged Laila as she pulled Naim into her arms, "Naim, Kakak dah bangun." She said.

"Kakak dah sembuh, bangunla." She begged as she cried, and Fakhri cried as he turned to his sister and brother. His eyes opened when Naim didn't respond to Laila, causing him to rise from the muddy ground and crawl to his brother and sister, "Naim?" he called Naim's name repeatedly until he was in front of his sister and Naim.

"Naim, bangun, Naim." He begged as he shook Naim; he glanced at his sister as she cried loudly while holding onto Naim, "Kakak, adik taknak tapi, tapi abang.." He tried to explain, yet he couldn't.

He started to go crazy as he tried to lift Naim from Laila's arms, yet each time he tried, people would come to stop him, yet he pushed them away; Laila was starting to get weak and weaker as she listened to Fakhri screaming at Naim, begging him to wake up.

Everyone watches in sadness at the scene before them, and they realise they can do anything they want until somebody gets hurt. Crying and begging from Fakhri causes Kahar to turn to the female by the two brothers; he sees she is about to faint until a bright light lights its way.

Laila watched as Fakhri carried Naim in his arms and away from the crowd to the middle of the road as a car stopped in front of her two brothers; she saw Mr Sin coming out of the car as the teacher stared at the two muddy students, "Cikgu." Fakhri called, "Cikgu, tolong saya cikgu." He begged, "Tolong abang saya, Cikgu." He cries as he keeps venturing his eyes back and forth between his brother and Mr Sin.

I saw Fakhri lift Naim in front of Mr Sin's car; Fakhri begged to save Naim when my eyes turned towards Laila, who suddenly fainted, "LAILA!" I shouted Laila's name while approaching her, who was lying on the muddy ground, and her face was pale and the hospital gown she was wearing had blood mixed with the mud. I picked up Laila with bride style and hurried towards Mr Sin's car, "Cikgu, tolong Laila." I beg.

Mr Sin looked at me, "Cepat bawa Laila dan Naim masuk!" Urgent Mr. Sin.

I got into Mr Sin's car with Laila in my lap without looking at the other students. Mr Sin's small car carried the two students who passed out along with Fakhri and me, who were crying, hoping one of them would wake up. Mr Sin didn't ask us much because Fakhri was crying loudly, and I was holding Laila tightly in my arms; I was afraid of losing Laila, afraid to let her go.

pendek je sbb penat & nak tido, puasa lagi ni geng.
anyway dah nak end ni.. and aku takde idea nak end macam mane... so kalau sad ending, korang faham je la.

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