episode lima

331 15 1


After the event with Naim and Fakhri, I returned to my dorm, leaving all my belongings in the tent. When I reached my bed, I started to feel weak and dizzy, "Ya Allah, kenapa tiba-tiba rasa macam nak sakit ni..." I mumbled and fell face-first on the bed, knocked out.

Camp ended earlier than every Form 4 student thought it would, and they went back to their assigned dorm in such conditions. Most of them started to cough and even vomit until the day of school started, Mia, the DM's owner's daughter, watched as none of the Form 4 students lined up. She was glad that she didn't have a lot of work to do but still wondered why the line was not long as usual.

In Laila's dorm, the female has been sick all day. Her body was weak, and her stomach was not in good condition; thankfully, she had an empty bucket prepared under her bed, and she used the bucket as the place she vomited.

With her in such a condition, she couldn't speak or call for help until Mia burst into the other female dorm. Mia's eyes widen when she sees Laila's state, and hurriedly, she brings the sick female to the infirmary. When the two females arrive, Mia's eyes widen to see many Form 4 students waiting in line.

"Kak, tolong kak. Dia macam dah nak pitam." Mia rushed to the nurse's side while the nurse was just finishing Naim's bandages, the nurse turned to the two females and touched Laila's forehead.

"Masyallah, ini dah teruk ni." Said the nurse before she urged Mia to put Laila on one of the patients' beds; Mia rushed out as soon as she helped put Laila on the bed.

Just as the door closed, everyone could hear Laila's cries of pain. Her cries cause the two brothers to be concerned for their sister; sure, she almost killed them, but again, they deserve it. Laila has been patient with them since they were kids, and now they are teens, and they knew it would happen soon.

Laila's situation worsened as minutes passed; she continued vomiting until a little tint of blood stain began appearing. Until her parents have to be involved, Laila is in her parents' car on their way to the hospital. They've never seen their daughter in so much pain or even sick without eating something, not for her; she might look rugged on the outside, but secretly, she has a weakness.

"Ya Allah, Kakak. Kakak makan ape sampai sakit ni," Datin Senrose, Laila mother question while caressing her daughter cheek. Laila kept on vomiting on a bucket that had been prepared in the car while her father glanced at his daughter through the front mirror.

Sitting in front of the doctor with my husband and Laila's teacher, the three of us gazed at the doctor while I rubbed my thumb, "So, food poisoning, is it?" Mr Sin, one of Laila's teachers, asks.

But when I looked at the doctor's face, he had another expression while he kept on gazing between us and his table, "a variation of it, yes." The doctor corrected Mr Sin, "But what is concerning is the particular strain of toxin, the cause of poisoning." He told us, making me confused.

"Are you saying they did drugs?" I ask for confirmation.

The doctor nodded his head and continued, "It's grayanotoxin." The doctor confirmed.

"Wait," Mr Sin starts, "Isn't that..." He trailed.

"A psychoactive," The doctor continued, concerning the two of us, "Mr Sin, Dato and Datin, it's not easy to tell you, but I believe the school has a drug problem." He told us, and the moment its involved drugs, I knew I had to get involved because it involved my only daughter and what was even more concerning was the bruises on her knuckles and bruised lips.

DAN AKU . . . (ABDUL KAHAR)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz