episode lapan

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Night fell, and Laila walked around the school with her walkman. The school is so peaceful without any male students causing havoc, that was until she saw Prakash walking down the stairs; raising her brows, she stood at the end of the stairs.

"Prakash, what are you doing?" Ask Laila as their eyes locked; he was about to respond but was cut off by Kahar, who was walking down the stairs with a cigarette in between his fingers.

Prakash saw the glare Kahar was giving him and left without saying anything, Laila blinked a few times as she watched Prakash walk down the stairs and fade into the distance. Kahar approached his girlfriend with a smile and dragged her away with his friends trailing behind them, "Nak pegi mane ni?" She whines.

Her peaceful walk was interrupted when she was dragged toward the Form 4 dorm, Zahrin took the lead as he slammed open the door and dropped the metal down to the floor, waking everyone in the room. Kahar gripped Laila's wrist as he ignored her whining, "Bangun, bangun!" He screamed, "cepat! Depan katil semua sekarang!" He yelled.

Struggling against Kahar's grip, she finally released from him as she looked at her now bruised wrist, "Masalah betul." She hisses and leaves the dorm, Kahar doesn't bald an eye at her as he focuses on the form 4 students.

Leaving the form 4 dorm, Laila realized someone was following her. Turning around, she looked around until she spotted a figure hiding behind a pillar, "Bagus kau keluar sebelum aku betul-betul mengamuk, dah mood tak bagus ni." She threatened the person.

Slowly, the figure stepped out from behind the pillar, and she saw Fakhri, "Apehal kau ikut-ikut aku ni." She gritted her teeth as she spoke.

He look at his sister with a sly smirk, "Boyfriend kau tu, dah takde orang takut la." He starts, "dia tu orang takut sebab form 5, Kapla je kot bukannya menteri malaysia." He badmouthed Kahar, "Dia tu bukan kuat sangat, just kuat sebab dia ada bapak dato. Macam kau, anak angkat." He said and within second, he received the very first flying kick from Laila as her feet met his cheek.

He was thrown back and fell to the ground, blood splashing from inside his mouth as he groan in pain, "Aku anak angkat ke, anak kandung ke. Kau takde hak nak bagitau orang pasal aku, kau ingat kau ada panas baran aku takut? Ini Laila la, kalau aku dah hilang baran memang koma la kau ni. Lagi bagus mama dan papa benci aku daripada dorang hadap anak kurang ajar macam kau ni." She spit her words at Fakhri, her once soft gaze turn into hatred and hatred bring wrath, "Kalau lepasni ada orang yang kau sayang hilang, aku harap sangat yang kau akan menyesal." She said.

Fakhri had no word to reply; he knew, even if he tried to fight back. He is not strong enough to fight Laila, everyone knows that. She is not fearless, and most of all, she is not afraid to kill. He watches as his older sister walks away, leaving him on the floor while touching his cheek. He wanted to apologize, but his ego won't let him do it.

For two days straight, Laila avoids Fakhri, Kahar, and Kahar's friends. Was it because she was ashamed to have a bruise on her cheek, no, obviously not. She just wanted a new day before spm, she promised her parents, her adoptive parents, that she would do her best, and she did by avoiding Kahar and everyone.

She didn't even know about the manifesto between Fakhri and Prakash, she didn't even know that Prakash's locker was messed and most of all, she didn't know that all of the Form 4 batch started a rebellion among the Form 5 students. Laila was spending time with Ayam at the form 4 block when they heard Kahar's voice screaming.

"FAKHRI!" Kahat screamed as he dragged the lumping Jay toward the middle of the building, "Fakhri! Kau keluar sekarang sial!" He screamed, which earned everyone's attention; he kept on repeatedly calling for Fakhri as Ayam and Laila appeared together to see the scene that was happening.

He screamed and kept screaming for Fakhri to come out like a crazy man until he spotted the person he was looking for, Laila could see the anger in his eyes, "Kau memang dah betul-betul melampau kan sial!" He hissed, "Bukan setakat aku kau nak cabar, kau cabar cara hidup dekat sini, kau cabar high council, kau cabar satu batch form 5." He screamed angrily as he kept his eyes on form 4, yet Laila could see that Fakhri didn't care.

"Habis tu?" He responds calmly, "Kau nak aku buat ape?" He asks in a joking way, "hmm?" He gesture to Kahar for guidance, "duduk diam-diam," He say while looking around, "Tengok kepala otak kau tu, jajah sekolah ni?" He questions the angry Form 5.

"Tak." Kahar replied, "Aku nak kau berambus dari sini!" He screamed, "Lepas kau kena belasah dengan si Prakash ni." He said while pointing at Prakash, "Kalau kau kalah!" He starts, "Aku nak kau keluar daripada sekolah ni." He add still screaming.

"Kau jangan disebabkan kau sorang Fakhri, hidup form 4 kat sini aku buat macam neraka la sial." He screamed glaring at everyone in the form 4 block, "Sama macam budak ni!" He point to Jay on the floor, groaning in pain.

"Kau nampak tak!" He screamed toward Fakhri.

"Nampak," Fakhri answered with a smile, "Nampak." He repeats.

"Okay, okay, okay." Fakhri continue as he rest his elbow on the fence, "tapi kalau aku yang menang, kalau aku yang menang. Kalau aku yang bantai budak kau si," He said while looking for Prakash, "Prakash tu." He point at the guy at the end of the corridors, "Aku nak kau, lepaskan jawatan kau sebagai Kapla." He said with a smirk, "biar Form 4 yang uruskan pilihan raya, biar form 4 yang jaga sekolah ni." He listed, "Kau duduk diam-diam je lah, form 5 duduk diam-diam je la. Kan nak study untuk SPM?" He joked.

Laila could see that, Kahar didn't want to let go of his Kapla title, but his lips said overwise, "Baik." He agreed, "Malam ni juga aku nak korang manifesto." He demanded and smirked.

"Wei, aku rasa tak sedap hati la." I whisperes to Ayam, "Malam ni kau datang bilik aku dulu okay." I told him.

"Laila! Balik!" Kahar screamed my name, I sighed while Ayam gestured for me to follow him.

As soon as I reached the first floor, Kahar grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from the block toward the form 5 block. He led me to my dorm as he, slammed open my door, and pushed me inside first, "Ape ni, kau asal kasar-kasar dengan aku ni?" I ask him as soon as he releases his grip from my wrist.

He didn't even look at my wrist and stared at me coldly, "Malam ni kau stay in saje, tak payah nak tengok dorang gaduh." He said and left the room as he slammed shut the door, startling me. It was the first time I had seen him so angry, and it was starting to scare me.

DAN AKU . . . (ABDUL KAHAR)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum