episode dua

540 24 3

"Wei, kes Jibam tu belum settle lagi la." Ayam insisted, "ni dah start cakap pasal kakak kau, penat la Fakhri." He added.

In all honesty, he is impressed by how Fakhri almost beat Kahar yet again, and he starts hitting his face, which is unacceptable, while in the manifesto, "jadi kau nak aku buat ape?" Fakhri asks, frustrated with Ayam panicking around him, "Aku tak boleh buat ape-ape la."

"Kita dah tahu dah siapa yang jibamkan, kau kenapa nak aku fikir, fikir lagi? dah, dah la." Fakhri hissed as he walked away, he might be harsh but he has a lot in mind that he needs to solve.

"Kakak same je, takkan pernah faham adik." Whispers Fakhri as he went into his dorm.

After Naim left his sister alone, Laila explored the school grounds. It's beautiful, just like all the brochures she read, honestly; Kudrat is not the first one in her mind- she has STIA, but the school does not accept any students in the midterm, so Kudrat is her only way of finishing form 5.

Just when she was about to walk into her dorm, a hand slammed on the door to her dorm. She didn't flinch and stared emotionless at hand, preventing her from getting inside her dorm, "maaf, but your hand menghalang di jalan saya." With her fake nice, and polite tone, she turned to the male.

The male is slightly taller than her, and their eyes meet as he has a smug smirk on his face while looking down at her, "So, Laila Senrose. Ape cerita kat sekolah lama awak?" Ask the male who she read on his nametag, Kahar.

"Macam mana kau tau tentang cerita aku kat sekolah lama aku." She asks in such a death tone which sends shivers on three of Kahar's best friends, "Aku takde buat hal langsung pon."

Kahar can't help but get charmed by her, and she doesn't even flinch when he looks at her in the eyes; she doesn't even try to act all feminist, but instead, she looks at his death in the eyes with a bored expression, "takde la, just nak tahu. Awak kan famous kat setiap sekolah kat negara ni," Kahar tease, "famous sebab awak dapat kalahkan tujuh orang dalam satu perlawanan, paling mantap awak tak kisah kalau musuh awak jantan atau betina." He adds, while smirking, he finds her interesting.

"Jadi kau pun nak try kena tendang ke?" She asked, "kalau nak, jangan harini. Ini hari pertama aku and I don't wanna mess up." Laila responded before shoving his hand off her dorm door and hurriedly getting inside her dorm before slamming the door in his face.

Her action left the three boys stunned while Kahar was still dumbfounded; he didn't get to say anything before turning around with a grin, "Hakeem, aku nak kau cari latar belakang Laila Senrose." He orders Hakeem while the others salute before running away from the three; what Kahar wants, he must do it properly.

Hearing their footsteps further away from her front dorm, Laila let out a breath of relief. She had never held longer eye contact with anyone, not even her parents, "apesal mamat tu doh, benci aku." She mumbled before taking her phone out, and she had just gotten her smartphone, the Samsung D900.

Just as she was about to message her mother, her father sent her a link. Raising her brows, she clicked on the link. Her eyes widened, the video playing of her fighting and all bruised and bloody; it ends when she grabs the phone before another link is sent to her.

Curious about why her father sent her two links, she clicks on the second one to see her youngest brother fighting five guys. She finds it interesting but is simultaneously angry at why he was involved in such fights, "kids." She mumbled, forgetting that she was a kid in every adult's eyes.

"Ah lantak dorang la, aku taknak masuk campur. Aku dah janji dengan mak nak habiskan form 5 lepastu lantak la aku nak gi mane, maybe aku ade chance kot pergi overseas atau jadi pelakon." She dreams and is determined to leave all the fighting behind and be on good behaviour; her mother would kill her if she got kicked out of school again.

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