episode enam | bahagian dua

243 17 3

The three sat on the picnic table in Kudrat park, they silently sat, which caused their mother to feel awkward, "Tengok je? Makan la." Ida gesture to her children to eat, yet none of them budge.

"Korang dah makan ye tadi?" Ida asks again, Laila shakes her head while Fakhri answers their mother, "Tak lapar," He says.

"Tak lapar?" Ida ask curiously, "dan kenapa kakak tak makan lagi, mama dah masak semua ni untuk korang berdua. Mama dah sediakan favorite kakak (y/f/f) jugak ni." She told her daughter.

"Takpe ma, Laila pun baru balik dari rumah mama dan papa," She mentioned her adoptive parents, and Ida nodded her head.

Ida shook her head, 'Ke korang nak mama suapkan macam dulu-dulu?" She said and began feeding her two children while humming to herself, she first tried to feed Fakhri, but he backed away, "Ma, orang tengok mama." He said, causing their mother to stop and look at the other table, 'Biarlah," She said, still pointing the spoon in front of her youngest son.

Fakhri ended up giving up as he let their mother feed him; it was Laila's time as she watched her mother use the same spoon to take a little of her favorite food; she insisted but gave in when her mother fed her. Ida had a wide smile when she spotted both her children smiling, "Alolo, dah besar dah baby mama dua orang ni." She teased them.

The three were having a good time in their life without thinking of their old problem, unaware of them; Naim watched as his mother fed both his siblings the pain of being the middle child he had to go through.

While Laila was smiling, Fakhri turned his head. Their mother realized her youngest son was staring at someone as she followed his direction to see her other son, Naim, "Naim." Their mother called him, but he only turned away and walked off. Laila, not knowing their deal, just focused on their food when Fakhri stood up from the bench to follow Naim.

The moment he stood up, Laila started to get worried as she watched them walk away, leaving Ida and Laila, "Mama, Laila gerak dulu." She excused herself and away from her mother to follow her two brothers; she stopped when she spotted them on the stairs.

"Pasal haritu, betul ke?" She listen to them talking.

"Kau takyah masuk campur la." Naim hissed and passed him, Fakhri sighed and lowered his head until he spotted his sister.

"Eh, kakak." He rushed to her side.

"Ape dah jadi time kakak dan Kahar kena gantung?" She questioned Fakhri.

The young male could only sigh before he told her the entire story about someone in Lekiur and some form 2 student getting raped; she couldn't believe someone would do that to the younger student.

"Ya Allah, ape nak jadi ni." She mumbled while Fakhri handed her a can of coke, "Kesian doh, budak tu." She adds, "Tapi aku curious la, sape yang merogol ni?" She questioned her younger brother.

"Dengar cerita, student tu rapat dengan Ariz. Nama dia Haikal." He told her.

Laila tried to remember anyone named Haikal until it hit her, the weird-looking guy that always stared at her when she walked past him or even tried to make conversation with her, "Lelaki yang ingat dia macho tu ke?" She said, and Fakhri nodded his head.

"Kan aku dah tahu dah, dia ni bad news." She sighed, which made Fakhri confused.

"Kenape dengan dia kak?" Fakhri ask.

Laila let out a deep breathed, "Dia la yang haritu try masuk dorm akak, dia juga yang cuba untuk tengok akak mandi." Talking about the incident sends shivers down her spine.

Laila has just finished her night class with all the Form 5 students with Miss Faniza, Kahar has begged to send her back to her dorm, but she declined because she was in a hurry and needed to shower.

When she arrived near her dorm, a figure stood in front of her dorm door the person tried to break open her dorm door, "Woi, kau buat ape tu!" She screamed, earning the stranger's attention, she rushed to the stranger, but he ran away quickly, yet she still caught a glimpse of the intruder.

"Apehal mamat poyo ni nak masuk bilik aku, gile ke." Hissed Laila as she unlocked her dorm and closed the door behind, she locked the door behind her since she wanted to shower. Unaware of her window, a pair of eyes watched her until she closed the bathroom door. A smirk played on the person's face as he slowly opened the windows and climbed inside her room.

The stranger has a wide grin, slowly approaching the bathroom when the door opens with Towel wrapped around Laila's body. Surprised that someone was in her dorm, Laila quickly used the nearest item and threw it at the person, seeing the person's name tag, Haikal. The intruder quickly flew away in fear of her wrath.

"Ha, tu ah ceritanya." Said Laila, "Nasib aku tertinggal sabun kat atas katil, kalau tak dah jijik la aku ni." She add.

With anger in him, Fakhri wrapped his arms around his sister, "Nasib akak selamat." He breathed out.

As night fell, Fakhri made his way toward Naim's dorm. Knocking on the door, he was greeted by Amir, "Kau nak ape?" He questioned the younger male. Fakhri wasted no time and burst into the room when he spotted Naim pushed up.

Naim saw Fakhri and stopped as he stood up from the floor and glared at the young male, "Ape kau nak ni, kau nak masuk campur hal aku ke," He angrily asked Fakhri.

Fakhri held in his anger and speak, "Kau bantai budak tu kuat-kuat, kalau tak aku yang bantai. Dia fikir dia anak datuk dia boleh lah nak tengok kakak mandi." He said and left the room, knowing that not only a form 2 student were raped; Haikal also has the nerve to peek on his sister.

"Kurang ajar." He hisses.

Nak bagitau je, something yang berlaku kat Ariz tak jadi soon banyak akan berubah ye <3 i know yg i ikut cerita tu sangat but again ini kan cerita aku.. so let's pretend that Ariz, Ayam and Naim never got injured 🥳

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