episode tujuh

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Little me peek inside my sister room, the sound of crying could be heard from inside as I watch my mother caressing my sister cheek as she sleep peacefully, "Mama, minta maaf. Mama sayang sangat dengan kakak, sayang sangat sampai mama sanggup untuk putar balik masa dan perbetulkan kesalahan mama." I heared my mother cries.

The jealousy in me watched in sadness; I knew I could never be my mother's favourite child. She loves the child she abandoned and the child who only wanted their family together again, while I am just a pilar, a child who follows and listens to what my parents want me to do.

Rushing into my shared bedroom, I tiptoe as I glance at Fakhri. He has fallen asleep with our family photo in his hand; tucking him with his blanket, I rushed to my bed and covered myself with a blanket. Just as I was about to sleep, I heard the door creep open. I saw my mother walk toward Fakhri while tears still on her face and listened to her ranting about how much she loved Fakhri, and that went I woke up from the dream.

Gasping for air, I quickly sat on my bed facing the wall. Trying to calm myself, I check my heartbeat with two fingers under my chin. I try so badly to be the perfect son, but in the end, I will always be the last in both my parent's eyes.

It has been days since Haikal was arrested when Laila sees his current situation. She can't help but chuckles, black eyes and destroyed lips. When he tried to reach her, she was pulled away by Hakeem while Fahmi and Zahrin stood side by side with her. They had very disgusting expressions, yet Haikal could only lower his head and followed the cop out of the building and into the police car.

"Kenapa lebam betul muka dia tu," Ask Laila to the three guys, who seem like to be her bodyguard.

Hakeem puts his arms on her shoulders and leads her away from the crowd, "Kau takyah nak tahu ape jadi, biar je dia tu hadap semua tu. Salah sendiri kot." He said.

"Itu baru Naim, kalau Kahar sah-sah dah mati anak orang." Zahrin commented, which confused her.

"Lah, kenapa pulak? Takkan pasal kes rogol tu je?" She questioned them; the three shook their head and sat her down on a bench near a vending machine.

"Okay, so cerita dia begini." Hakeem started.

Laila sat quietly as she listen to all the detailed about the fight and how Naim basically told everyone in the room that he almost raped her. She is not ashamed that people knew she almost got raped, but that is not Naim's story to tell; she told Fakhri because he might kept her secret and now that almost all of the Form 4 and Form 5 students, she is guarantee Kahar would come back with anger.

"Ni kalau Kahar tahu ni, mati aku sebab rahsiakan..." Mumbled Laila but Hakeem could still understand what she is mumbling.

"Wei, kitorang nak minta maaf jugak ni." Hakeem interrupts Laila; she stares at him curiously, raising her head, "Kitorang dah beritahu Kahar." As soon as he says that, she jolts up from the bench, gripping Hakeem's shoulders.

"Mati aku." She said.

Unfortunately, she has to go through the day, her head filled with worry. And that when a person sat beside her, she was just chilling behind DM with a cigarette, "Kau pun smoke ke?" The familiar voice of the DM woman asks Laila.

Laila nod her head and face the other woman, "Kau selalu lepak dengan Naimkan?" She ask the female as she nodded her head, "Aku Laila, tapi kalau Naim ade cakap pasal Nabila, itu aku jugak." She said while pulling her hand out for the other to shake.

"Mia, Akak DM." She said while shaking Laila's hand; they pulled back their hand and continued smoking in silence. Laila doesn't mind the silence, but Mia surely doesn't like silence as she begins talking, "Aku ade la dengar story Naim, dia ade je cerita pasal family problem korang tapi dia tak pernah cerita pasal kau langsung, ade la kau dalam cerita dia tapi dia kata, dia sendiri pon tak kenal akak dia so bukan aku nak masuk campur tapi kalau kau nak pendengar. Aku kat sini selalu." She said.

DAN AKU . . . (ABDUL KAHAR)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora