episode empat | bahagian tiga

307 17 4

Morning came, and I smirked at my three friends, "Dah, jom bangunkan yang lain." I said with a smirk as we step out of the tent, turning my head to Laila's tent and face the three, "Korang pergi dulu, aku nak bangunkan Laila ni." I told them, earning a nod from the three before they walked away to wake the rest of the Form 4 students.

Hearing ruckles from the Form 4 campsite, I crouch down, "Laila, bangun." I gently woke her when a groan came from inside her tent; unzipping her tent, I was met with Laila sitting up while rubbing her eyes.

"Dag pagi ke?" She asks me while rubbing her eyes, I chuckle, finding it cute to see her still half sleepy.

"Haah, kita dah nak buat game yang kedua ni." I told her, "Jom lah." I say while holding out my hand for her. She didn't think much of it and grabbed my hand, helping her out of her tent and leading her toward the campsite.

I smirked, seeing almost every Form 4 student look like a drunk person, "Selamat pagi buta!" I greet them all after letting Laila stand by me while I stand on the wood, "Moto kedua sekolah kita," He starts, "Tabah." He announced.

"Tabah bermuasabah, tabah menghadap bende-bende yang bagi korang trauma." I smirked while explaining them the second game of the day, "sekarang aku akan ceritakan kat korang rahsia terbesar kem bulan madu," I pause while chuckling, "tea madu ynag korang minum sepanjang harini, bukan madu sebarang madu." I explained.

"Menurut kitab high council, madu tu boleh buka hijab mata kita." I told them proudly, "bagi kita tengok benda-benda yang paling kita takut dalam dunia ni." I add when Fakhri scream.

"Woi, kau racun kat ape kitorang ni!" Fakhri screamed at me, interrupting my speech, but I ignored him.

"Dalam keadaan macam ni," I starts, "korang semua akan diletakkan jauh daripada satu sama lain dekat dalam hutan sekolah kita." I smirked even widen, "Korang akan duduk sorang-sorang dalam gelap selama tiga jam." I add, "Burung hantu geng." I said before laughing evilly.

Eventually, Kahar and his friends send most of form 4 to a specific place, leaving the still sleepy Laila behind alone at the campsite. Just as she was about to climb into her youngest brother's tent with Ayam, Kahar arrived, "Eh, awak, awak nak gi mane?" He asks the sleepy female.

"Nak buat task keduala." Laila answered, still half sleepy, thinking she was going into the forest. Kahar chuckles and shakes his head before leading her into the forest but not far from the campsite so he can still see her.

"Awak jangan pergi jauh-jauh okay? Kalau ada ape-ape, awak jerit je nama saye." Kahar told Laila; the female could only nod her head when she noticed his presence disappearing from her side.

She sat on the ground for a while to regain her consciousness, and after a few minutes of sitting alone, she was finally wide awake. Moving her head left and right while stretching her arms, she began to stand up; she was a bit dizzy, and her eyesight was a little blurry.

Kahar and Hakeem hide from Laila in the bushes, "Weii, kau ade ke bagi Laila minum tea tu?" Hakeem asks his best friend; Kahar doesn't turn to him and nods his head, still worrying for the female after all her legs are still injured.

"Aku letak sikit je, effect dia hilang la nanti tu." He told Hakeem when he noticed Laila walking away, further into the forest. He was about to catch Laila, but Hakeem held him back, "Sabar, Laila boleh handle tu. Kau cakap sikit je so memang sekejap je effect madu tu." Hakeem told Kahar.

As Laila makes her way into the forest, she can hear everything. It was clear to Laila, but as she walked deeper, she saw a figure standing before her. Tilting her head, she saw the back of both her parents, "Mama, papa?" Laila called out for them, but they ignored her as they walked away into the darkness, she was about to follow them, but a hand patted her shoulder, causing her to turn around rapidly.

In front of her, stood Fakhri and Naim with blood all over their body, "Kakak, kenapa kakak tak suka kami?" Fakhri asks her, "Kenapa kakak bunuh kami?" He ask again. Laila was starting to breath rapidly from her mouth when she look down at her hand to see blood, "Kakak memang tak suka kami kan, jadi kakak nak kami takde dalam duniakan." Naim ask her.

Feeling scared, Laila crouches down with her hand covering her eyes. The voices belong to her brothers repeatedly asking her question, as it can be heard around her; she is so scared and tired that she passes out in the middle of the forest. And after a few minutes, she woke up with her head aching. Laila gains her vision and begins making her way out of the forest; Kahar might not guide her around the forest, but she does explore and thanks the memories; she remembers each path until she reaches the water tower.

"Kau hidup tu bawa sial je la!" She heard Naim's voice, and soon, a fight broke, Laila's eyes widened, and she rushed to her brothers.

"Woi!" She snapped, pushing them away, but she got hit in the way, causing her to fall to the ground. Naim and Fakhri widened their eyes, and they hit their sister again, which was when she snapped. Getting up from the ground, she didn't hesitate to punch them before kicking each of them in the stomach, Naim groaned in pain as he held onto his stomach; he watched as his sister let out her anger by aggressively kicking their younger brother until he dropped to the ground. Naim had just got on his feet when he spotted his sister approaching him, and he was ready to die in his sister's hand when he spotted three figures approaching them. The anger in her causes Prakash and two others to come as they hurry to pull the three siblings away, "Korang nak sangat gaduhkan, aku tak takut la. Kalau korang ni kuat sangat aku sendiri boleh bunuh korang." She gritted her teeth and pushed the person off her as she walked away from her two brothers.

Kahar spotted Laila walking their way, he saw her bleeding lips, but she ignored him and walked straight out of the forest before he reached the two brothers. When he arrived, he saw that the two of them were beaten, and a smirked play on his face, "Gilala korang," He said with a smile.

"Sakit tak kena terajang kakak sendiri?" He teased them.

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