episode dua | bahagian dua

414 18 2

Just as Fakhir left the dorm, Kahar told his friends to guard the door while he and Laila were the only ones in the dorm, "kau asal lari tadi?" He asks the female in a gentle tone.

"Asal pulak? Aku nak masuk dorm sendiri pun tak boleh ke?" She replied while crossing her arms over her chest, and she didn't mind that he was observing her from head to toe as long he didn't stare too much.

"Ye, boleh tapi bawa la saye. Macam mana kalau ada yang nak dekat-dekat dengan buah hati I?" He says while smirking, Laila has a disgusted expression.

"Ew, stop. Kenapa kau ni suka betul berangan." Laila said while rolling her eyes she has a lot on her plate, and Kahar acting clingy with her is not fun at all.

"Biarlah saya banyak berangan, sebab berangan macam mana pun. Awak juga yang selalu I dream of~" He replied, causing the female to be even more and his three friends by the door holding in their laughter.

"Bukan kalen-kalen dia ni," Hakeem mumbled while shaking his head, "Kahar, dah ke?" He shouted when he spotted a warden walking their way, "Ade warden tu, cepat keluar!" He said and ran first, followed by Zahrin and Fahmi.

Seeing that his friends were all gone, he flashed her a smile, "jumpa nanti sayang," He said and ran outside to follow his friends. The day was still long, and she had the whole day of class in her dorm due to her still not being comfortable surrounded by males; Laila sighed and pulled out her phone.

"Maybe I should ask mama for a new phone, macam tak selamat je tunjuk2 phone kat sini..." When someone knocked on the door, she told the female she sat straight on her bed while coughing.

"Masuklah," She said with her sweet and polite voice; the door opened, revealing Naim and Fakhir; rare to see them together without bickering.

"Ape korang nak," She questioned them with drained energy.

"Kakak tadi dengan Kahar dan kawan-kawan dia kan, ape yang kahar nak dengan kakak?" Fakhir ask, concerned for his older sister.

"Takde pape lah, saja nak annoyed aku tu." Respond Laila, and she watches as Fakhir talks to her while Naim keeps silent. His facial show guilty, "Yang abang tu kenapa? Senyap je," Laila asks Naim, causing Fakhir to shut his mouth and turn to his brother in confusion.

"Mamat ni dari tadi senyap je, kitorang terserempak masa dalam perjalanan nak datang sini." Fakhir responds since Naim had been quiet the whole time in her dorm room, Laila, with one of her eyebrows raised, looking at the clock on the wall.

"Dah, Nak solat dah ni. Korang balik dorn sekarang, akak nak solat." She said while pushing both her younger brothers out of her dorm and slammed the door in their faces before they could even ask any questions.

The two brother stares at each other, "Dah lah." Naim said and walked past Fakhir, the youngest didn't even say anything about the event in his dorm when he got back now; it was time for their prayer he hoped nothing terrible would happen next.

Night came, and the school were as quiet as the night. I haven't slept due to insomnia, and my feelings uncalm suddenly, "Kenapa la aku risau pasal adik-adik aku ni, selalunya aku tak kesah pun." I mumbled before venturing my eyes to the clock on the wall to see three in the morning.

"Ya Allah, Laila. Kenapa kau tak tidur lagi..." I ask myself before getting off my bed and reaching for the box of cigarettes on my nightstand, I might look like I don't smoke, but I do, often when I can't sleep.

"Aku nak ambik freshair dulu la, manalah tau pagi ni boleh skip kelas." I sighed, walked out of the dorm and passed down each dorm when I noticed shouting and the door wide open. Tilting my head, I curiously walk closer slowly and peek a little.

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