49. Don't fall in trouble

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Ranvijay's point of view

I can't believe rudra just said she will come....with me!.. I can't let his happen. She should not face those people when she is at no fault.

I felt my heart breaking when I turned around to see rudra coming up to me with a slow pace and with a blank face.  But ... but Her eyes were determined, and her face was calm. Oh... I know this look on her.... i have seen it before .. just not on her face but her own Dadisa's dance... I have seen the same look on Dadisa's face when she has made up her mind on something. ... I need to convince Rudrayani to drop this idea before she convinces me otherwise.

My thoughts stopped to hault with a screech when rudra kept her small hand on my forearm. She smiled shyly at me.

Her delicate smile again made me soft. She is so precious to me. I know her presence would solve half of my problems .... but was it really worth it to expose rudra to this problem...
Rudra has never been around all this fuss. How can I throw her in between a waging war front...

Rudra lightly tugged at my forearm to grab my attention back to her...

Rudrayani's- "don't stress over it, Ranvijay. I will come with you. We will together solve this problem. "
Ranvijay's - " No!..no... rudra.. you are not going to come with us. I will handle them. "

Rudrayani's eyebrows scrunched together, and my favorite v shaped frown appeared on her forehead.

Rudrayani's- "I know you can handle them alone, Ranvijay. But things will ease out for you and jaigadh riyasat if I come along. Please let me do this much.. please.. "

I couldn't believe this fluff ball. She is so delicate and soft... how will she face those harsh glares and insensitive questions... no... I don't care what calamity occurs. I will make sure no bad thing ever lands upon rudra.

Ranvijay - " You don't understand rudra. Those media people are not friends that we are going to deal with. Those are vicious people... they will tear you apart to get the news out of you... they will scrutinize your every move... and one wrong move, and they will leave no stone unturned to defame you.. dk you get it?... and those council members.. ruchi have poisoned their mind... they favor her blindly... Do you think they will not take any toll upon you...? They had themselves chose ruchi to become my wife.. to become the future queen of my Jaigadh riyasat ... they will break you apart.. why dont you get it....its a hard burn ahead, rudra.... and you are not ready for all this..."

Rudrayani's eyes that once shined with determination now held a little tinge of tears. Oh.. heavens ... did I make her cry..  my heart sank down.

Rudrayani's - "and what makes you think Ranvijay,  that even after I get to know that there are hard burns ahead.. I will let you go and face that alone? I want to stand right beside you. I want to help you in any way possible....please you are so important to me to let you go alone..."

Till now... I was not aware how much love she felt... I never imagined that she feels this much for me... she ... till now, she had always kept herself hidden behind her walls.... she never came in front.. but she is ready to face a storm just to stand by my side.... she loves me.. I could see rudra's strong will to help me...

But I can't be selfish....How can I let my love go through trouble when I am there to protect her. No... I won't let her go there. I will stand in between her and any trouble.

But how can I possibly convince Rudra. And as if rudra could read my mind, she said..

Rudrayani-"Let's go, Ranvijay... you can not convince me to stay here... come on.. don't waste more time..."

One thing about rudra that never changes... her stubbornness. I just nodded my head in defeat... but guess what... I am stubborn, too..

I didn't want my wicked mind to take over.. I didn't want to do what I was planning on doing... but I have been left with no choice.... I know may be aunty komal won't like this. But I hope she forgives me ....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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