40. First Decision

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Third person's point of view

Rudrayani's life was taking tolls on her. First, she was forcefully snatched away from her family, her loved ones. Then her kidnapper, Balwant completely washed out her previous life. she was convinced to believe all of this was just a myth. Rudra was even made to trust that her kidnapper, Balwant was her real father, her pa. Rudra had to change her cities, because of Balwant. He wanted to keep Rudra to himself only. Though he had kidnapped her; but now he was truly loving rudra as his own daughter. Balwant wanted Rudra to remain unnoticed from others. So, he changed her name also as ishqi.

But in reality, he forgot that even he changed Rudra's name; she still was Yuvrani Rudrayani Devi of Devgiri. She was too royal for his own good. Everything about Rudra; screamed royalty. Her kidnapper pa, Balwant was so scared of this; because every time people would see Rudra & Balwant together they would start doubting.

So, he started to change Rudra. First, he changed her brave self to a timid one. Balwant made her so doubtful of herself just to keep her behind closed door. Balwant was so blinded by his love for rudra; that he converted a confident, courageous Yuvrani into a scared, fearful nobody. All these things seemed like nothing to Balwant, but they ruined Rudra. He taught rudra to stay away from everyone. Balwant never allowed rudra to make any friend. He installed a fear in Rudra's mind that all of the world wants only harm to her. He even made it sure that Rudra would always stays away from police & any Royal people. But little did he knew that destiny cannot be changed. When he saw Rudra with Raksha; for the first time in his life, he did not feel any danger. He never thought; that a girl he thought as just another girl will be a Princess. Balwant never thought that tables were about to get turned. And then Ranvijay came. He came so magically into Rudra's lost life as if destiny herself couldn't bear the separations of two childhood sweethearts and brought Ranvijay to light up rudra's dark life.

Rudrayani's point of view

I was sitting on that gigantic bed. I was too stunned to react any way. Payal had given away a fact that Ranvijay loves me. I was still trying to process it. Maybe I should be happy right now, but all I could feel was scared and confused. I was trying to wrap my head around that Yuvraj Ranvijay loves me. I thought, what if he loved only my childhood self. And that made more sense to me. I mean there was no way I could believe that I might have a chance to get love from Ranvijay.

I did not remember my life before, but I am sure I am no longer any princess or anything royal. I am just me; a plain, simple girl. And he is the most handsome man I have ever seen. What if Ranvijay is just obliged to a commitment? What if, when he actually looks me for real and finds out I am a nobody, and then he might regret being my fiancé?

I exhaled my long-hitched breath. I sighed. And finally looked up at Payal. Payal was looking at me with wide eyes.

Payal- "umm... Yuvrani? Are you ok?"

Payal's question brought me back from my thoughts. May be I was too drifted away in thoughts to notice that Payal has sensed my insecurity. I cleared my throat and said

Rudra- "yeah, I am fine for now I guess?"

Payal just came near me and stood just infront of me. And she kept an assuring hand on my shoulder and smiled sweetly. I returned her smile with my timid smile. Who knew a clumsy, out-spoken, always chattering Payal could be so tender for me. After realising Payal's sweet gesture for me I smiled a little wider.

I always longed for friends and a lovely, cozy family & here I got it. I wish Raksha was also here with me, and Maasa and Babasa and Dadisa.... And mind lingered on Ranvijay's name. Of course, he occupies my whole heart, but I was too scared to admit it to myself also.

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